It was one of those headlines to make you wince:
Not the subhead, which is Truth with a capital T — at least to us folks who just don’t get the whole Gear/iWatch/Smartwatch thing. Rather the main headline, since there doesn’t seem to be any immediate threat to Samsung in mobile. In fact, the worry at Google is that Samsung will “fork” Android, as Amazon has done with Kindle, and leave Google out in the cold.
But then I saw the photo of the new Gear smartwatch thing.
And I flashed on that episode of Friends where Joey starts making money for the first time after landing a soap opera gig, and buys Chandler a hideous gold bracelet. Chandler describes it, if memory serves, as something from the Mr. T House of Crap. And that’s when I realized there is indeed a threat to Samsung’s dominance.
And the call is coming from inside the house.
I pity the fool who approved that design.
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