Sleep Tight

What’s next for Greece:

UBS, which has been issuing ever gloomier forecasts over the past few months, with the sole intent of getting someone to bail out the European financial system, which despite the current stay of execution is increasingly more brittle (because solvency crises only get worse with time, never better), has just come out with its magnum opus. In a report released overnight, the firm’s Global Rates Team has just jumped the shark, with a prediction that things in Europe are literally about to implode: “we anticipate that the crisis will deteriorate further than the stressed levels of late November. We do not believe that Greek PSI will take place in a “voluntary” fashion but instead expect coercive restructuring of Greek debt either before or soon after the March redemption, triggering CDS contracts.


I’m not sure which part is scarier: “implode” or “coercive restructuring.”


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