Charlie Gibson to the Right of Me

Connecticut College’s Catherine McNicol Stock certainly knows how to win over the voters:

But the region also must be defined by its history of intolerance, resentment, antistatism and violence. Appearing in the region in the 1980s and 1990s were some of the most notorious “hate radicals” of our time: militia groups, survivalists, Identity Christians, secessionists, white supremacists and others.

Some simply hated the federal government, like Randy Weaver of Ruby Ridge, Idaho, a survivalist whose wife and child died when their compound was fired upon by FBI agents attempting to arrest him on gun charges. “Whether we live or whether we die,” Weaver said, “we will not obey this lawless government.”

Other groups, like the Aryan Nation, with headquarters in Hayden Lake, Idaho, actively planned to rid the United States of African Americans, Jews, and other “non-Aryan” peoples. A few carried out their plans, murdering Jewish radio host Alan Berg in Denver, the Goldmark family in Seattle, an African American state trooper in Arkansas, Fish and Wildlife officials and FBI agents in Wyoming, North Dakota and Montana, and more than 160 federal employees and their children in Oklahoma City.


Yes, smearing my neighbors as gay-hating, black-killing, baby-toting, gun-loving secessionists is a sure way to help Obama in the fall. Oh, and that was published in the Philadelphia Inquirer. I wonder how many “bitter” Pennsylvania voters will read this, and decide McCain-Palin is just fine with them, after all? With friends like these… Obama could very well lose the easiest election for a Democrat since 1964.

On the plus side, I’m glad to see these liberal condescensionalists show their true colors.


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