I’d entertained thoughts of voting for Clinton or Obama next November. Tonight’s debate — the “I’m More Dangerously Populist Than Thou” debate — ended all chances of that happening.
That’s not to say that the Republican nominee has my vote. Far from it. But I’ll chew off my own forehead before I vote for either of those left wing knuckleheads, much less special guest John Edwards.
If tonight’s debate was any small indicator of how the Democratic nominee will run in the general election, then I’d say the Republican nominee has some small chance of winning. And that’s no small feat, given that tonight Clinton and Obama were only fighting over South Carolina.
UPDATE: Mandatory media critique time.
How did CNN do? No better or worse than expected. As a bonus, the camera-hogging Anderson Cooper was kept away, safely corralled into his own, post-debate debate show. In the minus column, Wolf Blitzer and his panel of moderators were complete nonentities — each utterly forgettable.
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