After Action Report

Actually, still in the middle of the action. Here’s what I’ve done since Saturday:

Drove up to Denver.
Drove out to Brush, CO.
Jumped out an airplane.
Drove back to Denver.
Helped throw a bachelor party.
Witnessed many fake breasts.
Was somehow allowed to consume four vodka martinis in 2.5 hours.
Continued partying with the bachelorettes.
Drove back to the Springs, hungover.
Cleaned a garage.
Cleaned an entire basement.
Moved 30+ cubic feet of dirt.
Removed tile.
Helped replace tile.
Carted tile somewhere out of the way, waiting for trash day.
Hoarded Independence Day party supplies.
Cleaned the damn basement again.
And the garage.
Disassembled the over-built bathroom vanity which used to be our wet bar.
Hauled several cubic hectares or something worth of construction garbage out to the curb.
Made four trips to Home Depot.
Fought with the electrician.
Endured a muscle-relaxant hangover.
Fought with the general contractor.
Three times.
Fought with the landscapers.
Seeded the lawn.
Fertilized the lawn.
Cursed at the never-ending rain for washing away all the grass seed and fertilizer.
Thanked Whomever that Will Collier has somehow found some time to post some fine items to this website.


And too many other small chores to list.

Regular blogging will resume Tuesday, July 6 — assuming I get some sleep on the 5th. Smart readers, however, will have already placed their bets on my being too hungover.


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