J6 Prisoner for 3+ Years With No Trial Gets News That Feds Aren't Done Torturing Him

Tyler Merbler, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

More than three years after Jake Lang was locked up in the D.C. gulag and moved around to multiple prisons to make it difficult for his attorneys to find him, the January 6 protester now faces new charges. However, he hasn't faced trial yet for the first round of charges against him. Lang has been awaiting trial for his activities on January 6, 2021, while locked up for three-plus years. 


During his years in prison, Lang has been put in solitary confinement and "the hole" multiple times. He's kept his head up, led efforts to get aid to other January 6 defendants including financial help, and been a party to a case, Fischer v. United States, that went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court.

And it's that last bit of information about SCOTUS that has angered U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves and the other D.C. prosecutors who easily snuck a ridiculous Sarbanes-Oxley charge of interference with an official proceeding past the black-robed robots who rubber-stamped the prosecution. Years later, this past July, the Supreme Court ruled the use of that charge was too general and hadn't been tried before, and therefore vacated the ruling by the black-robed robots in the D.C. Circuit.

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So Graves, the man whose job is to prosecute all crimes in the District of Columbia, has spent most of his time going after J6 grandmas. During this entire time, there's been an explosion in crime. Murders, shootings of government workers, and carjackings have gone supernova — including one involving Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor. And there was Graves, hellbent on creating the most hellacious-looking faux insurrection by arrogating almost all the cases to the D.C. courts, where he could personally control their outcomes for his bosses, Merrick Garland, Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris. 


And Jake Lang and other J6ers sit in the gulag while the self-same Matthew Graves has declined to prosecute people on the left who set churches on fire, tore down statues, swarmed government buildings, and really did interrupt government meetings. 

Jake Lang wasn't a Boy Scout on January 6. He wanted to get inside the Capitol but was repelled by law enforcement and teargas, even as he and others tried to save Rosanne Boyland from being trampled and overcome by the police chemical spray. She died at his feet after a law enforcement officer—a woman—took her baton and beat Boyland on the head and neck as she was lying on the ground unconscious. When police finally removed her body after watching the beating, they dragged her off to declare her deceased. 

Lang and other outraged people pushing into the West Tunnel to get inside yelled that the police were murderers. "You're a murderer!!" a man's voice yells over the crowd toward the police.

Because Lang was also charged with the Section 1512(c)(2) charge and the feds lost their rationale for using it at the U.S. Supreme Court, Graves removed it from Lang's indictment. However, in what looks like yet another act of spite by this prosecutor, he went to a D.C. Grand Jury, served up another ham sandwich, and got new indictments against Lang in the last week. 

We're told by people like Andy McCarthy, a former federal prosecutor, that it's unethical to stack similar charges against defendants to subject them to more penalties and loss of liberty. But that's exactly what Graves did to Lang. Using the law to settle political scores used to be at best unethical. Not so in a Merrick Garland, Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris world. 


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Team Kamala Harris is not tweeting a link to give bail money to people like Jake Lang. 

In his first indictment in 2021, Lang was charged with 11 felony indictments. Two of those were for assaulting or interfering with a cop. Now, in the superseding indictment, Lang has 12 charges, eight of which are interfering with or assaulting a cop. He's also been charged with four different statutes related to committing violence on government property. 

Lang's attorneys have also filed motions to wait on his trial until after the Supreme Court decision, so they've had a hand in the delay of justice, but for good reason. 

This infamous and unscrupulous prosecutor has now changed the legal state of play in Lang's case and probably many other cases too.

Jake Lang has been in prison for three-plus years at some of the worst hellholes in the penal system. If the objective is making the process the punishment, then well played: mission accomplished. Now, it's time to let him out of prison. 

People who tried to burn down a federal courthouse in Portland, Ore., in 2020 weren't punished to the extent that Jake Lang has. Most of the handful of people arrested were charged with one count of assaulting cops and doing far worse than Jake Lang did on January 6. The same people committed hundreds of other riots in Portland and elsewhere. 


Lang's trial is tentatively set for early November. 

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