
WHAT Did He Say? Joe Biden Falls Into His Own 'Nice People on Both Sides' Trap

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

An angry and whopper-filled Joe Biden's DNC speech Monday night was entirely on-brand but it was such a squandered opportunity. The drugged-up sitting president tried to summon Dark Brandon but instead came off like a scowling cadaver. What should have been the magnum opus of his career was nothing more than a CVS receipt-length list of whoppers. And then it happened: Joe fell into his own trap.

The sitting president told his old debunked chestnut about how Donald Trump said Nazis were "very fine people" at the Charlottesville riot. Joe was still selling the lie that something Donald Trump explicitly did not say was the reason he decided to run for the 2020 election. Even leftist-paid Snopes stooges said it didn't happen. Sure, the fact check came years later, but when you're censored the way Trump and conservative media are, you take your wins where you can. 

See what he said for yourself. 

You'll recall that Antifa came to start a riot to stop a non-violent "Unite the Right" rally, so coined by the socialist provocateur who conceived of it, Richard Spencer. 

Related: Joe Biden Tries for 'Dark Brandon' But Just Looks Angry in Not-for-Prime-Time DNC Speech

The anti-First Amendment Antifa Taliban came to violently shut down these weirdos' speech and the speech of everyone else who legitimately just wanted to save the statues. If they'd left them alone, they would have blown out their tiki torches and gone home. But that's not what happened. 

Antifa did what the anti-First Amendment group always does and attacked everyone, even the "very nice" people genuinely upset about removing statues of historical figures, including the Democrats' forbear-turned- bête noire, Robert E. Lee. A riot ensued, naturally; roads were blocked, leftist protesters surrounded cars, and a leftist rioter was hit by a car and killed. 

But it was all Donald Trump's fault, you understand. 

No one around Biden, not Karine Jean Pierre or his puppet master Barack Obama bothered to correct the record to save Joe from himself. 

As Joe continued to tick off his CVS receipt list of complaints Monday night, he complained, "When the President [Trump] was asked what he thought had happened. Donald Trump said, and I quote, 'There were very fine people on both sides.'" Joe balled a bony fist and ejaculated, "My God. That’s what he said. That is what he said and what he meant." 

Related: Joe Biden Officially Bends the Knee

Of course, Trump also said,  "[A]nd I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and white nationalists because they should be condemned totally." 

If you know the real story, this is a yawn-inducing moment. But a short time later, Joe stepped in a magnum opus political cow paddy by causing a collective, "What did he just say?" 

He said the anti-Semites protesting against Jews and breaking down fences outside the convention center "have a point." 

"Those protesters out in the street, they have a point. A lot of innocent people are being killed on both sides," he said in full. 

Let's make clear that Hamas and the people who put them into power, namely the "Palestinians" and their paymasters, the Iranian mullahs, want to exterminate Jews. What "point" do you think they have, Joe? 

Hamas attacked Israel on October 7, their captagon-fueled robots raping women to death, burning babies alive, and taking hostages, some of whom haven't been returned yet. The ones still alive have been turned into slaves. 

Joe never said, "I'm not talking about Hamas because they should be condemned totally." He never mentioned Hamas. 

This was against a backdrop of DNC speakers who were required to invoke the idea of "joy" in their speeches on Monday even as their parishioners were forced to wend their way through death merchants offering vasectomies and abortion barkers braying about killing babies before they could get inside the Chicago convention. 

For Democrats, apparently, the love of death is what fills them with "joy." Joe included. 


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