West Coast, Messed Coast™: Kamala's Kalifornication of America

AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell

Some Americans are just getting hip to the political extremism that animates the woman Barack Obama told Joe Biden to name as his vice president. Welcome to the West Coast, Messed Coast™ update, where this week we name just a couple of ways Kamala Harris helped ruin one of the most prestigious, lush, and flush states of the union. Now, Kamala wants to take her extremism beyond what Obama and Biden did to "fundamentally transform" America: She wants to Kalifornicate it. 


Don't Kalifornicate America

The commies running the Democrat Party obviously knew that Kamala Harris was a fellow traveler. Harris was a San Francisco leftist. She learned that on the knee of Democrat political kingmaker Willie Brown. 

The authoritarian San Francisco district attorney became the authoritarian California attorney general who became an authoritarian senator who couldn't manage her staff. She had a 92% turnover rate in her office, revealing her to be one of the, if not the worst boss in the Senate. She continued her bad management practices at the vice president's office, where staffers often complained that the boss was never prepared and "winged" important events. Then she blamed them for her failure to read their prep materials. 

If Kamala had been in the House, she would have been a member of The Squad. She would have been a perfect complement to that cackling coven of craven crackpots. 

Harris is anti-Israel, pro-Antifa, and swallowed whole the Black Lives Matter critical race theory denouncing America and its values as oppressive. Compared to what? They never answered that question. 

The transactional politician claims to support "democracy" but has spurned it to get the Democrats' top spot on the 2024 ticket. 

She supported and cheered on the 2020 "Summer of Love" riots that were especially destructive along the West Coast, Messed Coast™. She tweeted out a message to support the bail fund for the worst of the Minneapolis offenders only a few days after those BLM and Antifa offenders burned down a police precinct in Minneapolis. 


Besides her efforts to undermine the best country in the world, her most offensive move to my mind was as California AG when she raided the home of David Daleiden in 2015. Daleiden is the pro-life journalist who got the top abortionist at Planned Parenthood to admit on video that the organization sold baby parts from late-term abortions. He even got their price lists. All of it was illegal. He was prosecuted instead. 

The abortion activists convinced the morally and ethically malleable Harris to go after Daleiden and his Center for Medical Progress for taking the undercover videos.

Kamala started the prosecution against him. Her buddies at Planned Parenthood —you know, the ones who chopped up babies and parted them out?— sued him for $15 million. 

Daleiden took his appeals to the U.S. Supreme Court where he was denied cert last year. After denying their butchery for years, Planned Parenthood officials finally admitted in court documents that Daleiden's videos were true.

Defund to death

One of Kamala's favorite causes was to fan the flames of the "defund the police" fad. She fancied "reimagining" law enforcement because the phrase sounded cool—or she was ordered to use it or something. Either way, Kamala and her kindred took stupid pills when they breathed life into this dumb idea. Reimagining law enforcement has meant more victims going to the hospital and fewer perps going to jail. It is yet another dopey program to try to erase human nature while attempting to look empathetic. 


But, what ho! Kamala's defund the police is a complete failure. And, we have proof, besides the big boom in body bag futures. 

PJ Media colleague Stephen Green explains in a piece entitled #RE-FUNDTHEPOLICE! You Won't Believe How Desperate San Francisco Is for Cops that Poop Map City has had to put a pork chop suit on San Francisco's cop jobs to get anyone to give them a sniff. 

Officers would start at $112,000, and you won't believe the retirement program. This is as insane as Oregon's Tier One PERS program. 

That giant sucking sound will be San Francisco declaring bankruptcy in very short order.

Why don't we reimagine less moronic "public servants." 

And just like that...

California's notorious homelessness problem is all fixed now. 

Governor Gavin Newsom brought out his magic wand, waved it over an executive order, and poof the homeless left.

Well, that's what he would like you to think. Check out PJ Media colleague Rick Moran's piece on Governor Hair Gel's sudden realization that people have noticed what a horrible leader he is. If you want a good laugh, check out Newsom's statement in Rick's piece. 

I'll be writing more about the Supreme Court decision on the homeless issue and its impact on the West Coast, Messed Coast™ soon. 

Riot season squelched

Your feel-good story of the day is that Portland police finally arrested one of Antifa's worst. 

Portland is ground zero of the Antifa movement, as any astute reader of the West Coast, Messed Coast™ knows. What is shocking, however, is that the cops actually arrested some members of a cell of Antifa gangsters who wanted to start up a fresh "summer of love" series of riots.


As reporter Andy Ngo notes:

Portland Police shut down the Antifa attack on the north precinct by rushing out and making surprise arrests. The Antifa members are shocked because this was a police station they regularly attacked and set on fire in 2020 with impunity.

Somebody got the memo from San Diego County on how to handle these members of this continuing criminal terrorist enterprise. Read about that case in my Antifa Goes Down edition of the West Coast, Messed Coast™ report. 

They haven't ruined everything yet

Until next time, enjoy the West Coast, Messed Coast™ riot and fire season! 


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