West Coast, Messed Coast™: Democrats Ready Their Presidential Inflate-a-Spares

AP Photo/Alex Gallardo, Pool

What a week on the West Coast, Messed Coast™. It was a week in which the Republican nominee for president was shot and nearly assassinated and where Democrats ignored democracy to desperately reach for their inflate-a-spare candidate to get them across the finish line in November. 


Two airheads, Kamala Harris and Gavin Newsom, come from the West Coast, Messed Coast™ burg of Potemkin, Calif.


Gov. Newsom is "ridin' with Biden" till the "bitter end" yet taking his shadow presidential campaign trail on the road to Pennsylvania this week. Online, Newsom's been touting crime numbers reflecting what he calls a drop in crime rates under Biden. As John Lott explains on a recent Adult in the Room podcast, those numbers are bogus. The Democrats are redefining felonies out of existence or converting them to misdemeanors. Major cities aren't reporting their numbers. That isn't cutting crime; it's subterfuge. And it's absolutely shameless. 

Michael Schellenberger took a fraction of a second to correct Newsom on his own stats: 

Icebergs ahead

While the Democrats' Titanic steams headlong toward the iceberg, Democrats are readying backup plans. Joe thought he captained the ship, but Democrats plan to deposit COVID Joe on it and sail away.

So much for their plans to "Save Democracy™"; they're throwing over their own elections to get rid of him and install someone else.



A new poll shows that "only about 3 in 10 U.S. adults overall say Harris would do well as president. About half say Harris would not do a good job in the role..." However, 60% of Democrats believe she would do well in the top spot, according to a new AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll.

"Harris’ favorability rating is similar to Biden’s, but the share of Americans who have an unfavorable opinion of her is somewhat lower," the AP concluded about its poll.

Quite a ringing endorsement right there. 

The numbers for Newsom should be humbling. Forty percent of all respondents to the poll have "no opinion" on Newsom. Of Democrats, "about one-third of Democrats say Newsom would make a good president, and half don’t know enough to say." 

Newsom's walking a fine line. He's trying to remain viable while pretending to back Harris as he tried to do on his misfire against the New York Post.

Newsom loses billions more

During his tenure, Newsom has lost billions in COVID-19 unemployment funds in an unemployment scam; he overspent by giving billions away to illegal aliens. His response to his unprecedented $73 billion deficit was to cut unfilled, but fully funded jobs, a taxpayer ripoff of epic proportions that had been going on for years. 


Newsom scared away families and businesses for failing to keep them safe. The cost of living is high. Schools are failing. And these losers want to take control of your children. 

Parental rights have been under assault by California commies, but this latest move was "the last straw," tech wizard and billionaire Elon Musk said.

As I reported in “Silicon Valley Billionaires Love Their Children, Too, Gavin Newsom,” Elon Musk announced plans to leave the state due to a bill signed into law by Newsom that takes away rights from parents of government school children.

I wrote:

Unhappily for Newsom, it turns out that tech millionaires and billionaires love their children, too.

Elon Musk, the father of 12 children, said he warned Newsom a year ago that these kinds of bills would frighten families out of California. AB 1955 was the final straw. 

Musk announced he'd move his X social media platform from San Francisco to Austin, Texas, and is moving his SpaceX headquarters to his space campus near Brownsville, Texas.

That's potentially billions in lost revenue, brain drain, and higher unemployment for Governor Hair Gel. 

Chiropractor crack-up

The Director of the Oregon Board of Chiropractic Examiners has a particularly virulent form of Trump Derangement Syndrome and should be removed and put on psychiatric hold. 


Here's Cass McLeod-Skinner wishing that the assassin who tried to take out Donald Trump hadn't missed. 

The Oregon GOP has called for her to be fired from her post. 

I discussed the concern about going after the jobs of the little guys for their stupid comments wishing Trump ill in my piece, Should the Right Copy the Left's Tactics?, but when you're a public servant, those rules don't apply.  

Chiropractor, heal thyself.

That'll show her

As my colleague Kevin Downey, Jr. writes nearby, a California judge has ruled that a seven-year-old girl does not have free speech protection and therefore can be punished by her school for scrawling a picture that depicted people of all races on MLK Day and the words "any life" matters.

Kevin wrote: 

The young Falangist, whom the court referred to as B.B., drew the picture and gave it to a friend who is brown, after a lesson on Martin Luther King, Jr. The girl drew four faces in various shades, from beige to brown, depicting her diverse group of friends.

The friend brought the picture home, and her mom was "offended." She contacted the school and demanded action.


Children do not share many of the rights enjoyed by adults because they're under parental control. Among those, of course, is the in-utero right to life. They can't vote, own property, and a bunch of other things. However, they can have abortions and soon the commies will pass laws to allow adult perverts to have sex with them — just you wait and see. 

Cookin' the books

For decades, states have skirted the laws requiring open bidding on state programs. The Washington state attorney general's office, which is led by candidate for governor Bob Ferguson, has been accused of presiding over a scam to steal intellectual property from a bidder for a law enforcement program. 

Center Square reports: 

A potential bidder for a police use of force database project developed through the State Attorney General’s Office is accusing an AGO employee and a Washington State University professor managing the project of illegally using his company’s proprietary information and copyrighted materials. 

State officials claim the bidder is waging an effort to hinder the project.

Police Strategies CEO Bob Scales was among potential bidders on a request for proposal put out in 2022 by the AGO via Senate Bill 5259; Scales also participated in the legislative process surrounding the bill. However, he ultimately did not bid on the project due to various stipulations, including a requirement that they hand over intellectual property.


He says they used it anyway.

They haven't ruined everything yet

President Trump and Rush Limbaugh approved music:

Until next time, West Coast, Messed Coast™ readers, crank up that fat lady, keep one foot in front of the other, and get ready to beat the commies in November. 


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