
Silicon Valley Billionaires Love Their Children, Too, Gavin Newsom

AP Photo/Ebrahim Noroozi

While the country was back on its heels after the attempted assassination on Donald Trump, wondering if someone would try it again at the GOP convention and watching Joe Biden's brain short circuit in real time, California's governor made a move that was so heinous Elon Musk said he would take his businesses and leave the state. Indeed, if Gavin Newsom had any vestiges of hope that he could head a ticket for the Democrats when Joe Biden fell, he destroyed them with this one move. 

Newsom signed a bill putting a wall of silence between students in government schools and parents. That means the school can't discuss a child's health and welfare with a parent when it concerns transgender issues. That puts the schools in charge of the health of your child so the state schools can groom them to be a gender-confused tranny. But you can rest assured that it won't stop there. As reporter Michael Schellenberger explained, it leaves children "vulnerable to irreversible and lifelong medical abuse and mistreatment." 

The California Family Council sent out a dire-sounding alert, telling parents that it "vehemently condemns" bill AB 1955. The group characterized it as a "direct assault on the safety of children and the rights of their parents."

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"By allowing schools to withhold vital information from mothers and fathers," the organization's president, Jonathan Keller, warned, "this bill undermines their fundamental role and places boys and girls in potential jeopardy." 

"Moms and dads have both a constitutional and divine mandate to guide and protect their kids, and AB 1955 egregiously violates this sacred trust,” Keller explained. But that's too nice a description. This bill is tantamount to stealing part of your child's soul. 

Unhappily for Newsom, it turns out that tech millionaires and billionaires love their children, too.

Elon Musk, the father of 12 children, said he warned Newsom a year ago that these kinds of bills would frighten families out of California. AB 1955 was the final straw. 

Musk said he'd move the headquarters of his space exploration company, SpaceX, to Texas, where it will join his other company, Tesla, now based in Texas. 

And he's taking the X social media platform out of San Francisco and moving it to Austin.


"All In" podcast co-host and Silicon Valley venture capitalist, LIBERAL Jason Calacanis, said he was getting out, too, and would announce his plans on a future episode of the podcast. 

"Based Mike Lee," the U.S. Senator from Utah, posted on X, "When the state claims to own your kids, it's time to find a new state." 

Musk responded, "Done." 

Musk is a guy who marches to the beat of his own drummer, and the band is moving right. 

Musk and multiple tech entrepreneurs have thrown in with the Trump campaign this election year, and it has been glorious to see. 

California will still need a few moneyed people to stay behind, however. The California Family Council vows to battle this "immoral and unconstitutional" bill in court to "stop the government from keeping secrets from parents." It's going to take millions of dollars and many years to undo the damage imposed by these radicals who want to control other people's children. 

What's that saying again? Get your kid out of government schools. 

Newsom has presided over thousands of parents and billions of dollars fleeing California. He has been disastrous.


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