West Coast, Messed Coast™: Did You Hear the One About the Dad, Naked Man, and the Cop?

Anthony Miler

A father of a two-year-old toddler found out in the most disgusting way possible about Oregon's lax laws on public nudity. Welcome to this week's West Coast, Messed Coast™ update, where Oregonians can tell you in graphic detail about the naked man whose daily front yard "gardening" just happened to coincide with the local school district's bus schedule. There's the full frontal rudity of the Portland naked bike ride, which used to be considered an edgy nighttime affair but has morphed into the Portland Pervert Pedal (made up name, but I like it). Now, naked dingle danglers don't even bother waiting for dark before scandalizing entire neighborhoods in the daylight. The nighttime pedaling perverts get police escorts. 


I used to do a regular "naked man update" on my Portland radio show. If the naked men included in my updates weren't from Portland they were from Florida, which explains why VodkaPundit never runs out of material as he plumbs the depths of debauchery regularly in his regular "Florida Man Friday" feature. 

Full frontal rudity

This young man who lives in Portland-lite, Bend, Ore., thought fatherhood was all rainbows and unicorns. Things changed when a peripatetic pervert paraded onto his property and approached his sweet little two-year-old boy. Instead of a well-placed roundhouse kick, this dad called the cops and recorded what the cop told him about the naked man situation which made the Libs of Tik Tok account. 

Dad was shocked that Oregon's law only cracks down on walk-by buttcrackery if the person is doing it for sexual gratification or someone else's sexual gratification. We're pretty sure this "gratification" is deflated when the cops roll up, so is it ever provable? 

Wait till Dad finds out that Oregon's free speech law considers live sex acts political speech. 

California schemin' 


It's hard to believe this is a real proposed law in the state of California until you realize that it's California, Democrats hold a supermajority in both houses of the legislature, and this nuttery is well on the way to passing.

See if you can spot the problem with the bill. 

From Reform California

Democrats in the California State Legislature are proposing a bill that would allow hiring illegal immigrants for taxpayer-funded state jobs... 

Democrats in the California State Legislature are proposing to pass the so-called “Opportunity for All Act” (CA Assembly Bill 2586) that will direct the University of California system — which is the largest agency of the state government — to begin hiring illegal immigrants for taxpayer-funded state jobs...

California Democrats have fast-tracked the passage of AB 2586. It passed the Assembly by a 59-4 vote and now heads to the State Senate.

California has always been the super highway for illegal immigration, but it's grown even more popular with human traffickers because Gov. Gavin Newsom is just letting them in. Hey, you can hardly blame him; California's already lost one congressional seat and is on track to lose another five in the next few years due to people fleeing the state. Gotta keep those Dems in power. 

The big payback

Jewish students at UCLA are suing this school of higher learning, which includes a law school because it forgot about basic law. 


Two law students and an undergrad, who are Jewish, are being aided by the Becket Law and suing the university for, "allowing antisemitic activists to bar them and other Jewish students from accessing the heart of campus." 

Becket writes that in its case, "Frankel v. Regents of the University of California, UCLA allowed a group of extremist students and outside agitators to set up an encampment where they stopped Jewish students and faculty from going to their classes, offices and the library."

I hope these students get so much money from this lawsuit that UCLA won't have enough to hire all those illegal aliens from the last story. 

This jerk needs a swat on the...

We used to have so much fun making prank phone calls. We used to call the Alibi Tavern and accuse them of making "excuses, excuses, excuses!" Then there was calling the local smoke shop and asking him if they had Prince Albert in a can. Those were the salad days before caller ID and spyware. 

I have no love, however, for this guy. A 21-year-old Bremerton, Wash., d-bag has been sentenced to prison for "Swatting" people across the U.S. and Canada. Swatting is the act of calling 9-1-1 and making up hellacious scenarios that result in a phalanx of cops descending on the home of the victim who answers the door and gets a face full of AR15 rifles greeting him. That's a real knee-slapper. 


Ashton Connor Garcia was part of an online group that got their jollies playing with the lives of other people by calling out the SWAT team from the cop shops throughout North America. 

Watch the story if for no other reason than to hear him laugh at a dispatcher when she called him a terrorist.

He's not laughing now. 

He was sentenced to three years in prison. 

Cartel begins to break up

Longtime readers of the West Coast, Messed Coast™ will note that I have no love, and neither should you, for the cartel between California, Oregon, Washington, and other Western states — and Virginia. 

These states deprive their own voters of representation by forcing their citizens to comply with Commiefornia environmental standards. As you can well expect, it has made everything more expensive and there's no redress if you live in Washington and California Governor Gavin Newsom is your daddy. 

Now, Virginia's Gov. Glen Youngkin and Attorney General Jason Miyares have de-linked the Beltway state to California environmental standards for cars. 

It's a start. 

They haven't ruined everything yet


I love black and white photography! 

My West Coast colleague Catherine Salgado will be filling in for me for the next three weeks while I'm on assignment. I'll share it with you soon. 

Until next time we meet, keep beating back the commies. 


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