
Even Woke Portland Voters Want to Make Crime Illegal Again

MetroEast Community Media, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Portland, Ore., looks like a dystopian hellscape partly because the district attorney responsible for punishing criminals refused to make crime illegal again. After putting up with three-plus years of this Soros suit while crime went up and Portlanders' feeling of safety went down by equal measure, voters have said goodbye to Mike Schmidt. 

Splash three. 

First, in 2021 Ann Davison, a moderate Republican, ran for Seattle City Attorney and won against a Democrat who wanted to abolish the police department. 

Then, in 2022, San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin was ousted in a recall by disgusted voters who were sick of poop-filled streets, murdering illegal aliens, product-bereft stores, and homeless addicts committing crimes and scaring law-abiding people. 

Now, in 2024, Multnomah County (Portland) voted to send its woke, George Soros-anointed civilization-disruptor Schmidt on to his next appointment with dystopia.

Schmidt came to office in 2020 on the heels of the year-long Summer of Love filled with police assaults, vandalism, and destruction by black-clad Antifa and Black Lives Matter extortionists who ordered the city to do their bidding or there would be no peace. The governor allowed him to take office several months early because the outgoing DA Rod Underhill wasn't woke enough and tapped out before the mob came for him.

Now Portland is over it. 

Schmidt got a late infusion of $213 thousand from Soros-connected groups which was laundered through the "Working Families of Oregon" organization, but it couldn't push him over the finish line.

He even got help from reporters at Politico, but it didn't help. Politico, which cheered on the woke DAs, now admits that Portland was a freaking mess and the progs had no one to blame but themselves. 

Related: Tacoma Cop to Sue Woke Prosecutors for Destroying His Life

“[I]n a city where displaying a MAGA sign would amount to a hate crime — especially without a trigger warning — the DA race is one of the few ballot lines where Democrats can vote guilt-free for change. It’s not a mayoral election, let alone a statewide or federal contest,” Jonathan Martin wrote at Politico.

The signs were there for anyone to see. The county, which we shouldn't have to mention runs the sheriff's department, finally gave up on its own DA putting people in jail and spent taxpayer money to hire a California company to provide hire security at libraries filled with perverts and homeless addicts, county buildings, and homeless shelters. 

Multnomah County should put a neon sign on top of its green roof that reads, "Complete Failure." 

Seeing the failure wasn't hard. Even Politico saw it.

In a state that saw a surge in opioid overdoses in 2023 — 628 in the first six months of the year, compared to 280 in all of 2019 — the repeal represented an admission of a failed policy change.

A few weeks after Gov. Tina Kotek signed the recriminalization, The Oregonian went into the field with a poll and found that 78% of voters in metro Portland believe homelessness is a “very serious problem” and over 60% said local governments should be allowed to fine or arrest anyone who refuses to leave public spaces.

Activists and the independent reporters behind the social media site PDXReal supported "centrist" candidate Nathan Vasquez, a lawyer with the district attorney's office who was declared the winner late Wednesday. Vasquez was a Republican until he quit when Donald Trump became president, which was the popular move in Portland at the time since he was Hitler and everything, you understand. 

Despite that intellectually weak moment, Vasquez is the superior candidate. 

Godspeed, Portland. And next time? Believe us.


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