Now California Dictators Want to Control How Fast Your Car Can Go

AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli

You saw the headline. We already know the answer to why people are fleeing California. But who would be behind an effort to literally slow down people fleeing California? Why Sen. Scott Wiener, Socialist, San Francisco, of course. 


The S&M leather-wearing Wiener has backed efforts to keep the Castro naked while requiring men to put down a cover before they sit on a chair. He's for children's trans surgery and for pushing the entire rainbow of LGBT-alt lifestyles in the classroom. He's backed legislation to require cops to leave hookers alone because current law "targets sex workers and trans women of color.” He supports any effort to enslave California taxpayers to zee pahty's enticements to illegal aliens by offering all manner of free stuff. There's almost nothing counter-cultural that you won't find Wiener's, ew, fingertips on in California legislation. 

Wiener wags his virtue-signaling legislation faster than Oracle, Tesla, Uber, Airbnb, and Yelp, can pack their bags and get out. Faster than a San Franciscan can pivot from retail theft to car break-ins. Faster than thieves can clear a shelf at a Walgreens. 

There is nothing Wiener's California Democrats won't take from you to give to someone else in the name of virtue. His stolen virtue robs individuals of the joy of choosing their own charities or putting their money to its highest use. 

People are sick of it. According to the latest census, California lost 700,000 more people than it gained in the two year period from April 2020 to July 2022. The state is on its way to losing another Congressional district, and Wiener and company still haven't gotten the message. 


But Wiener thinks his latest legislative idea will slow down the rate of normies trying to make a break for it. Literally. To wit: 

Senate Bill 961, authored by Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco), would specifically require certain vehicles, commencing with the 2027 model year, to be equipped with an intelligent speed limiter that would limit the speed of the vehicle to 10 miles per hour over the speed limit.[emphasis added]

And you didn't even know, California voters, that driving your car without a governor on your speedometer put you in mortal peril. All this poor lawmaker was trying to do was to save your life! It's all about the safety you didn't know you needed. 

An automotive legal expert, Herschel Williams, told the California Globe that it's a "bone-headed" idea, considering that it will be mandatory. 

And then there's the technology part of the problem. 

“First of all, technology fails. These limiters are GPS based, or use cameras to read speed signs, or similar things. There are already incidents where people had limiters placed in their cars, and instead of complying, they ripped out road signs or cracked open the car and destroyed the device or the GPS unit," he said. 

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And safety? "That only hurts public safety more. And you could also find yourself going super slow because the car had something go wrong. Well, the car behind you might not have that problem, and they could then cause an accident."


The fact that Democrats assert more control over your life makes it more difficult for Californians who want desperately to become ex-Californians to get out of Dodge. 

Wiener says, “It will require cars and trucks that are manufactured and sold in California to contain what we call speed governors or speed limiters that physically prevent the vehicle from traveling more than ten miles per hours above the speed limit,” Wiener said. 

So, let's go to the tote board everybody. 

  • California Democrats choose your cars.
  • California Democrats choose your fuel. 
  • California Democrats limit your speed.
  • And they know where you are at all times.

What does that remind you of? 

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