The AMC television show “Dietland” follows the exploits of a #MeToo feminist murder/terror group called “Jennifer.” The group takes the law into its own hands, kidnapping and murdering men accused of sexual assault. In the Season 1 finale, the organization aims its sights on another kind of sexual abuser — a congressman. His crime? Opposing abortion.
The main character, Plum Kettle (Joy Nash), has joined Jennifer, the group of “extremists targeting men.” In the season finale, “Bedwomb,” which aired on Monday, the group settles on targeting a man who has never been accused of sexual assault.
“We should be working on our next target, Wells,” says Sofia (Tara Summers). One woman asks, “But why Wells? There’s gotta be somebody easier to take out than a congressman. Someone who means more.” Perhaps someone who’s actually assaulted women?
Sofia counters that Wells’ head of security is old and inept. Soledad (Selenis Leyva) declares, “And he is meaningful. He is destroying women’s reproductive rights.”
Moana (Melissa Navia) also has her doubts. “But think about how it looks. The Dirty Dozen [12 men Jennifer has killed]. Stella Cross [the first woman Jennifer murdered]. And then some ancient, backwater congress dude? It looks like we’re hurt or something.”
The murderous feminists debate about whether they should have leaders — “having leaders is patriarchal crap,” one says — and then Jasmine (Colby Minifie) asks, “What’s our endgame here? We just keep killing people? Until when?”
“Until women feel safer. Until they have some measure of real equality,” Soledad says.
Plum Kettle, the main character, encourages the hit on Congressman Wells. “You should go after Congressman Wells. He’s a menace to women. And you need to keep the heat on. Keep up the feeling that you’re everywhere, and scary,” she says.
Here’s a key question: How will pro-life women feel safer because of these murder hits? Jennifer has already murdered one woman, and if it will target a pro-life congressman because he’s pro-life, how long before they murder pro-life congresswomen? Young women dominate the March for Life every year. Are they also a “menace to women”?
Will AMC address these questions in the next season of “Dietland”? I wouldn’t count on it. The show has already launched into so many feminist themes — murdering for #MeToo, the oppression Olympics, demanding a woman president and equal pay, and calling President Donald Trump “the very worst” — it seems extremely unlikely they’ll let conservatives get a word in edgewise, even if they are women.
In a time of increasing incivility — protesters targeting public officials at home, in restaurants, and elsewhere — the last thing America needs is a television show pushing activists to target pro-life congressmen because they are “a menace to women.” Even so, another television show this summer repeated a “hate group” smear that inspired a terrorist attack.
Last summer, a Bernie Sanders supporter literally took aim at a pro-life congressman, Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.). Pro-life Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), who was caught in the Congressional Baseball Game shooting and was assaulted by his neighbor last year, told the harrowing story of another death threat — “this man threatened to kill me and chop up my family with an axe.”
Watch the disturbing video below.
Here’s the trailer for the show.
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