Texas Students Call for ‘Revolutionary Violence’ Against Black Feminist Prof Accused of Rape

Twitter screenshot of Texas professor Robert Reece.

Late last month, a group of students at the University of Texas (UT) called for “revolutionary violence” against a black feminist professor who has been accused of rape. While he admitted to being “coercive” in sexual situations in the past, he also said he had gone to counseling and apologized to the woman many times. He even teaches a feminist class about “Masculinities in America.” None of that is enough.


The Revolutionary Student Front (RSF) quoted professor Robert L. Reece, who wrote in a story for Vox that “the search for the type of sustainable solutions and cultural changes necessary to ensure the safety and pleasure of intimate encounters remains elusive.” The RSF, which proudly displays the Communist hammer and sickle in its logo, took matters into its own hands.

“Change is not elusive to us. Reactionary violence, like rape and domestic abuse and torture, can only be responded to with revolutionary violence,” the RSF declared. “We are inspired by women across the world from revolutionary moments who have turned on abusive husbands and serial rapists, reclaiming violence and wielding it against their oppressors.”

Perhaps not surprisingly, this communist group twisted the movement against sexual assault into a movement against capitalism. “In a capitalistic system, men will always be granted some ownership over women and will feel entitled to much more,” the RSF added. “A feminist movement for working women must be created, one that intends to topple not only patriarchy, but capitalism imperialism as well.”

The RSF insisted on “revolutionary violence” against Reece because he has been accused of sexual “coercion” against a few women. When Reece’s Vox story went live, one of his former girlfriends, Jazmine M. Walker, a Washington, D.C. abortion activist and co-hose of the “Black Joy Mixtape” politics and pop culture podcast, came out with allegations against him.


Walker posted allegations on Twitter, saying she and Reece were in an emotionally unhealthy relationship as graduate students in sociology at the University of Mississippi six years ago. According to Walker, Reece was chronically unfaithful and lied about it, but when she slept with someone else, he responded with aggressive sex.

Walker told Reece about her infidelity late at night, and the next morning she found him in her dorm room, standing over her. “I’m scared as sh*t,” she tweeted. “He looked like he was going to kill me. He was dressed in all Black, had his hood over his head, and yea….” He told her he was there for anal sex, and refused to leave her room until she relented.

“He wouldn’t leave. He sat on tthe [sic] floor next to my bed. Refusing to leave until I obliged. And eventually I did. I just wanted him to leave,” Walker recalled.

Walker and Reece broke up, but not until years later.

Reece did not defend this alleged underhanded coercion. In fact, he later confessed to something similar on Twitter. “This piece wasn’t about me, but I was eager to write it because I’ve been coercive before, specifically with my ex about ten years ago,” the professor tweeted. “There are no easy solutions. But I apologized to her many times. We went to counseling. I’ve gone alone for years.”


Walker claimed this was a lie. She did not deny that they went to couple’s counseling, but insisted that the issue never came up.

Since Walker made her allegations, she said “multiple” other women have reached out to her to say that Reece mistreated them as well. She posted screenshots of allegations from an anonymous accuser who claimed Reece pressured her into having sex, filming it, and agreeing to allow other “womxn” to take part.

Both of these situations are ugly, but neither case definitively makes Reece a “rapist” per se. Walker has unleashed a great deal of anger against the professor, calling him a “predator” and quipping, “why have a PhD if you can’t legitimize your serial sexual abuse?!”


Reece, for his part, demonstrated his feminist credentials well in the Vox article. He recalled teaching a class called “Masculinities in America,” focused on “topics like trans men, female masculinity, men’s place in feminist discourse, and, finally, sexual violence, assault, and consent.”

He wrote about “the gray area that looms larger and larger in discussions I’ve had with men about consent and coercion.” Reece referenced many cases of sexual coercion, including that of a gay man who felt pressured into consenting. The gay man admitted he had consented, but still felt abused by the encounter.

Reece actually used this discussion to defend the idea of affirmative consent. He cited the story of James, a criminology student who insisted that “asking questions does not have to be a barrier to enjoyable sex.”

“James was quick to point out that that sex with his partner has improved since asking questions and seeking affirmative consent became a regular part of their routine; it doesn’t “break the mood.” Such questions not only decrease ambiguity but also emphasize that sex is about the mutual pleasure of all parties involved,” Reece wrote.

Reece insisted that “gray areas are not an innate part of sexual encounters. We allow gray areas to persist through our aversion to speaking openly and honestly about our sexual desires. And by allowing these gray areas to exist, we offer an excuse for people who seek to take advantage of ambiguity to fulfill their sexual goals.”


In other words, gray areas are a problem, and openness about consent is the solution, according to this professor. Reece even suggested that “We — we men — must also look backward and acknowledge our past wrongs, even if we have little guidance with how to process these feelings and what to do about them.”

Even the paragraph in which Reece said that “the search for sustainable solutions … remains elusive” continued to explain why he is hesitant about pat solutions: “It is important to ensure the solutions we implement do not fall victim to the typical twists and turns of oppression, where those who benefit find ways to circumvent measures designed to maintain our mutual safety.”

In other words, this professor seems to be a true believer in the cause of feminism. He has acknowledged his own previous sins, and is teaching men not to coerce women into having sex.

Naturally, Walker and the RSF still attacked him, for not turning in a male student who feared he might have engaged in sexually coercive behavior previously. Instead, the professor told the student to seek counseling.

“We find this to be direct proof that Reece is an active threat to students on campus,” the RSF declared. “Though his course, he is uniquely able to identify potential rapists, yet he does nothing to stop them — and worse, he shows them his sympathy as a fellow misogynist and abuser.”


This uncompromising mob language shows that Leftist students are willing to turn on their own — with “revolutionary violence” — even if the “abuser” is a black professor who writes for the Leftist Southern Poverty Law Center and firmly believes that “toxic masculinity” must be dismantled.

Leftists have branded Reece a rapist, even when the women in question admit they consented, even if they thought they were under duress. The man may have sexually assaulted them, but rape is a serious charge, and should be reserved for cases where there was no consent.

Walker’s anger at Reece suggests she might be twisting her story, and the fact that she waited years to break up with the man she claims raped her further undermines her credibility. Reece does not yet face criminal charges, despite these allegations.

This professor may have committed rape at some point, but the allegations do prove this. His alleged coercive efforts are disgusting, but they do not make him a rapist. The Leftists’ push to attack him by any means necessary, despite his race, his Leftist credentials, and his avowed feminism, suggests there can be no compromise. The Left indeed seems willing to “lynch its own,” as The American Spectator‘s Matthew Vadum put it.



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