From the mouths of babes:
Texas Senator Ted Cruz has what may be the most hilarious political ad ever — toddlers explaining the conservative failings of real estate mogul Donald J. Trump. Kudos for explaining eminent domain in terms children can understand!
The ad starts with a group of young boys playing in a nursery. Excitedly, one boy declares: “Look, I got the Trump action figure!” Instant response — “No way. It’s Huuuge.”
Buzz Lightyear can karate chop, Woody has “darn tootin'” Wild West phrases, but what does Trump do? “He pretends to be a Republican,” the boy explains, triggering a bout of raucous laughter.
Then for the issues: “I like bailouts for the banks,” one boy declares, and in cadence another responds “Too big to fail!”
Hilarity ensues. “I gave money to [Democrats] Pelosi, Reid, and Anthony Weiner!” Then one boy holds up a Hillary Clinton action figure, and Trump says: “Hey, Hillary, I’ll give you money to be my friend.”
Last, but very far from least, comes eminent domain. One boy holds up a doll — “Check out my house, Mr. Trump!”
Trump responds, “That’s a lousy house. I’m gonna take your house with eminent domain and park my limos there!” Boyish laughter and music play as the kids repeat “eminent domain!” and use the action figures to destroy the house.
The boys’ parents look in, and the adults finally get a say. “We wouldn’t tolerate these values in our children, why would we want them in a president?”
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