[WATCH] Sen. Chris Murphy: Gun Control Will Make America Safer Than Trump Travel Ban

Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT), a foe of the Second Amendment, appeared on MSNBC’s Morning Joe today to discuss President Trump’s temporary travel ban. Murphy’s opinions about Trump’s executive order included the claim that gun control would make America safer than the Trump travel ban (starts around 3:18):


Said Murphy:

If folks get to this country and we suspect them having connections to terrorism, that they shouldn’t be able to get an assault weapon.

Of course, neither immigrants nor anyone else will be getting an “assault weapon” anytime soon, as they do not exist: it’s a made-up, fairy tale category of firearm.

Murphy went on to say that the right to keep and bear arms was a “huge liability” in our law today.

The gun control crowd likes to put burdens on law-abiding folks rather than the people who can’t be trusted to obey our laws. If you aspire to immigrate to the United States but are too dangerous to have a gun or access to a gun, then you have no business here.

But the anti-Second Amendment crowd wants that reversed: they would prefer no one have a firearm as the solution to dangerous people roaming around, some of whom we’ve graciously let into our country, who might do bad things with one.


Murphy wasn’t done. Gun control was one of two steps he proposed that would make us “more safe” than Trump’s executive order; the senator also shared his ideal U.S. policy on immigration:

I’d argue that we should go towards the discussion about the pathway in which there’s absolutely no screening.


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