Democrats Take Issue with DeVos' Contributions to Campus Free Speech Group

(AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

New year, new presidential administration, which means it is now officially confirmation hearings time. The Democrats are making sure that their media mouthpieces get out in front with DNC-approved talking points. Yesterday, the leftist brain trust at Politico went after secretary of Education nominee Betsy DeVos with this headline:










Here is some of the text of the post, which reads as if it could have been written by Debbie Wasserman Schultz in exile:

Republican megadonor Betsy DeVos has given thousands of dollars to an advocacy group that is seeking to overturn an Obama administration policy that made it easier to discipline college students accused of sexual harassment or assault.

The donations, totaling $10,000, by Donald Trump’s Education secretary pick have prompted criticism from Democrats and women’s groups in the run-up to her confirmation hearing next week.

DeVos has not spoken publicly about the Education Department’s aggressive approach to campus sexual assault, but women’s groups and Democrats say her donations to the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education send a troubling signal. FIRE has sued the administration to raise the standard of proof for victims of sexual assault in university administrative hearings contending it is unfair to the accused.

The donations are “a red flag,” said Lisa Maatz, the top policy adviser at the American Association of University Women, which advocates for strict enforcement of Title IX, the federal law that governs sex discrimination, harassment and sexual assault on college campuses. “In the absence of an actual record … I think these kinds of donations take on even greater importance, because we have to rely on her contributions to inform us on particular issues.”

Democratic senators say they will question DeVos about whether she might be less vigilant than her predecessors about cracking down on campus sexual assault.


The leap from “supports FIRE=doesn’t care about sexual assault on campuses” is so patently ridiculous that it comes across as the ravings of an alcoholic. FIRE is an advocacy group doing the work almost no one else in America is at the moment: fighting for free speech and due process rights that are being run over by progressive regimes on college campuses (Ashe Schow is doing great individual work covering the same areas for

The Obama administration has played along with Marxist Academia in its Minority Report fantasy world that smears every college male as a rapist ahead of time. Hoaxes are ignored because it doesn’t fit the narrative. Reality rarely does when it comes to the leftists, but they don’t let that get in their way.

To portray FIRE as an organization that is trying to make it difficult for young women in college to report sexual assault is simply not true. No one takes sexual assault lightly. What FIRE has done is push back against arbitrary rules that ignore the law and quite often ruin lives even though the accused are proven innocent.

FIRE is often the last resort for a young kid who is having his or her rights trampled by unhinged, overly zealous Social Justice Warrior academics. If anything, DeVos’ contributions to the organization are an overwhelming plus.


For those dealing in the truth, that is.


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