Administration Kills Americans - MSM Doesn't Care

The lack of main stream news coverage on the Fast and Furious debacle, that left at least one American dead, has been frightening.  Often called President Obama’s Watergate, Fast and Furious’ misguided premise put guns in the hands of violent criminals, cost millions of dollars, killed Border Agent Brian Terry and – if ever investigated – may expose barbaric corruption at the Department of Justice, and the White House.


As Pajamas Media has been reporting in a near exclusive fashion for over three months, the Department of Justice, which includes ATF (Department of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms) engaged in Operation Fast and Furious (also known as “GunWalker”) as a strategy to combat gun trafficking on the Southern Border.  From the 2009 Congressional Report:

In the fall of 2009, the Department of Justice (DOJ) developed a risky new strategy to combat gun trafficking along the Southwest Border.…The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) implemented that strategy using a reckless investigative technique that street agents call “gunwalking.” ATF’s Phoenix Field Division began allowing suspects to walk away with illegally purchased guns.

This shift in strategy was known and authorized at the highest levels of the Justice Department. Through both the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Arizona and “Main Justice,” headquarters in Washington, D.C., the Department closely monitored and supervised the activities of the ATF.

It has become increasingly obvious that the Justice Department, meaning Attorney General Eric Holder, and the White House, meaning President Barack Obama, were aware – in part or in full – about the plan. As others have mentioned, a second intention of this plan was to perpetuate the myth that American guns are flowing into Mexico, thus creating the violence on the border between the two countries.  The idea being that Operation Fast and Furious could be used as a vehicle to institute greater gun control; which is to push forward the Progressive ideal of eliminating 2nd Amendment rights.


What has also become obvious is that the main stream media has no plans to aggressively cover this story, and by aggressively I mean at all.  The New York Times, rather than report the facts of this story, (which show the President and the Attorney General as being complicit, if not advocates, in a plan to sell guns to Mexican drug cartels) writes incoherent drivel about Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), who sits as Chairman of the House Government Operations and Reform Committee which is investigating the Fast and Furious disaster.

This case has exposed the MSM in two horrific ways.  First, it is yet more proof that the MSM refuses to portray the Administration honestly.  Second, it shows how absolute the first point is.  Border Agent Brian Terry is dead due to this operation, and who knows how many countless Mexicans.  This plan has put all US Border Agents at incalculable risk, and shows a level of complete incompetence from those in charge who put Progressive desires ahead of human life. Yet, in adherence with their rigid ideology, the majority of the MSM not only won’t cover the story, they – like the New York Times – write error-laden hit pieces against those who are investigating the story, like Rep. Issa.


Media bias doesn’t kill, but it seems to go out of its way to protect the killers.


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