Bret Weinstein Files Suit Against Evergreen State

It wasn’t that long ago that most of us had never heard of Evergreen State University. Then, biology professor Bret Weinstein made a point that should have, at worst, sparked a bit of discussion about the nature of a particular event.


Instead, Evergreen State College caught a profound case of fascism, which started a long spiral of torment for Weinstein.

Now, he and his wife are firing back — they are suing the school for $3.85 million, according to a report from Campus Reform:

Bret Weinstein, the Evergreen State College professor who was driven from campus by a mob of students earlier this year, is preparing to file a $3.8 million claim against the public institution.

According to documents obtained by Campus Reform, Weinstein and his wife, Heather Heying, have filed a standard Tort Claim form against Evergreen State for a sum of $3,850,000.

“The College has refused to protect its employees from … verbal and written hostility based on race.”

The legal document was signed by the couple’s attorney and received by Washington’s Department of Enterprise Services Office of Risk Management on July 5.

The official claim follows a litigation hold request sent out in early June, asking the school’s employees to retain and preserve all evidence that relates to the 2017 “Day of Absence;” the student-led protests on campus that took place during the last school year; and any records that relate to Weinstein, his wife, activist professor Naima Lowe, and administrator Rashida Love.

Weinstein sure seems to have a strong case. The hostility and threatening behavior targeting him stems not just from his comments criticizing the “Day of Absence” event, but from the fact that a white man had offered the criticism. He was attacked for “opining while white.”


The man has since been through hell. Evergreen State devolved into a Mad Max-like landscape complete with roving armed gangs focused on declaring him scum.

The terrible thing is that these young adults think they’re doing some good. They think they’ve accomplished something by trying to intimidate a college professor who disagreed with them on the wisdom of kicking a race off campus for a day. Bret Weinstein isn’t a member of the Klan, for crying out loud. He’s a liberal being terrorized by people who are supposed to be political allies.

Meanwhile, the people standing up for him are folks like me who probably disagree with Weinstein on most issues. Why? Because it’s right. That’s what Weinstein did, and that’s what we’re doing.

I hope he wins and receives every penny, because he and his family will have to start over somewhere else, and that’s going to be pretty difficult. After all, social justice nutbars like Evergreen State’s have infested almost every college in the country.


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