The Saudi student whom the FBI accuses of plotting to assassinate former President Bush, Khalid Ali-M. Aldawsari, is a student at Southern Plains College in Lubbock, TX according to the FBI’s press release. He’s a Saudi national, in the US on a student visa.
A little searching around facebook turns up this page, which belongs to a Khalid Aldawsari of Lubbock, TX. Going by the activities and interests listed on the page, he’s Saudi and despises Israel. We’re basing the Saudi connection on his link to this page, and his link to this page, which calls for a revolution in the KSA, and his Israel hatred speculation on his link to this page. So everything points to this being Khalid Ali-M. Aldawsari’s facebook page, though of course it’s possible that there is another Saudi by the same name, in Lubbock, population about 264,000.
This, apparently, is Aldawsari’s blog, titled “From Far Away.” The English part of the blog is mostly about school, cars and girls, and his dream to work for Google.
This is an opportunity to be in the US to achieve my dream that I am working very hard and I am doing my best to catch it, that dream is mainly and simply to be an employee in google which is not impossible to achieve even if it is hard…
The blog also has many posts in Arabic, which according to IBD seem to be religious in nature.
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