New Caption Contest: Official White House Photo - Obama Rocks Jeans While Putin Moves Tanks


Official White House photo


There is nothing more glorious than an official White House photo as a subject for our “world famous” caption contest.

This photo of President Obama speaking with Russian President Vladimir Putin was released on Saturday, March 1 at 6 p.m. EST.


So while Putin has moved tanks into Crimea and is contemplating invading Ukraine (which might cause Obama to miss a few rounds of golf) at least we could all take comfort in knowing that our Commander-in-Chief looked AWESOME in his Saturday jeans.

Was Obama channeling Ronald Reagan’s “evil empire – tough guy” look?  Will some intern please find an axe?

Reagan wearing jeans

Did Obama think that wearing tight jeans in the Oval Office would help intimidate this guy?

Putin newslheadline

Here are more serious questions for our contest writers to address:

Whom should occupy the three empty chairs shown in the photo?  (People either dead or alive)

What was Obama REALLY saying to Putin?

Is Obama about to “blink first” in this photo?  (Google if you are confused.)

What was Putin wearing or NOT wearing when this photo was taken?

True or False: Obama asked Michelle — Does this stance make me look more like John Wayne or General Patton?

What would FDR do?

What would Jimmy Carter do?


What would Jesus do?

Is Hillary hiding in the desk  (John-John style) after measuring the drapes in the Oval Office?

John john

Can you determine if Obama is wearing boxers or briefs?

Is Obama on hold trying to order a large pepperoni with double cheese or a small gluten-free veggie?

Who the heck is in charge of official White House photos? Did they really think that this photo was going to help bolster Obama’s image as a strong leader?

Oh no, I just got a call from the security guard in the lobby of our building said he said that the IRS and the NSA are on their way upstairs.

Quick, write your entries NOW, so I can read them on the train to Camp Obama.




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