Sheila Jackson Lee: Congress Will 'Give President Obama a Number of Executive Orders that He Can Sign'

Rep. Shiela Jackson Lee is doing it wrong.

Texas’ national treasure told a gathering of Democrats on January 29 that she has “a dream that is attainable.”


“We will be answering the call of all of America because people need work and we’re not doing right by them by creating work,” Jackson Lee told her fellow Democrats. “I believe this caucus will put us on the right path and we’ll give President Obama a number of executive orders that he can sign with pride and strength.”

Jackson Lee continued: “Let’s write up these executive orders, draft them of course, and ask the president to stand with us on full employment.”

Jackson Lee is a graduate of Yale University and the University of Virginia School of Law. But she is way off in her civics.

Congress doesn’t send presidents executive orders to sign. Those things that Congress passes are called bills, and they become laws when the president signs them, after Congress has passed them.

Perhaps the representative needs a little remedial education.


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