John Kerry's Syria 'Expert' Departs SETF, Admits She Was Never in a PhD Program

Oregon State players dog pile after game 3 of the 2018 NCAA Men's College World Series Finals between Arkansas Razorbacks and Oregon State Beavers at the TD Ameritrade Park in Omaha, NE. (Cal Sport Media via AP Images)

Remember Elizabeth O’Bagy? She has left the Syrian Emergency Task Force. The SETF used to list four staff in DC, but with O’Bagy’s departure it’s down to one — the pro-Hamas, anti-Zionist Mouaz Moustafa.


O’Bagy’s departure comes as she admits to the Daily Beast that she was never in a Ph.D. program at all.

O’Bagy confirmed to The Daily Beast that she was only enrolled in a master’s program at Georgetown and had applied to join the joint MA/Ph.D. program but was never accepted.

“I would like to deeply apologize to every person with whom I have worked, who has read and depended upon my research, and to the general public,” O’Bagy said in a statement to The Daily Beast. “While I have made many mistakes and showed extremely poor judgment, I most particularly regret my public misrepresentation of my educational status and not immediately disclosing that I had not been awarded a doctorate in May, 2013.”

If that apology strikes you as sincere, hold on.

“There is little I can do to assuage the lack of credibility this misrepresentation has created, as well as the confidence my colleagues and others who have relied on me may have lost the past several weeks. Their anger and distrust is understandable, however, I never intended to willfully deceive anyone,” O’Bagy said. (emphasis added)


You know that you’re either in a doctoral program or you’re not. It’s a binary, on/off thing. Example: I know that I am not. O’Bagy knew that she was not. But she told employers that she was, and allowed Sen. McCain to call her “doctor” in a congressional hearing.

How, then, was her deception not intentional? The non-Ph.D. “expert” on Syria appears to be a full expert on BS.

Next up: Was she really on the Egyptian national woman’s soccer team?

No word on whether the State Department is even considering yanking the SETF’s funding.



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