Gen. Weasley Clark Leaves His Wife of 46 Years

Clark, who was once a Democrat presidential hopeful, is blaming “general indignities.” In Arkansas divorce law, “general indignities” is a catch-all for a lot of stuff.


“Rudeness, vulgarity, unmerited reproach, haughtiness, contempt, contumeliousness, studied neglect, intentional incivility, injury, manifest disdain, abusive language, malignant ridicule and every other plain manifestation of settled hate, alienation, and estrangement.”

Legal experts said “general indignities” is the equivalent of the standard, blame-less “irreconcilable differences” used in most states.

The only relevant “irreconcilable difference” at play here is the difference between his longstanding and longsuffering wife versus the 30-year-old fashion entrepreneur he met at — I’m not making this up —  a Deepak Chopra symposium.


Irreconcilable difference: The wife he’s dumping can’t magically make herself half her current age.

Democrats, “war on women,” Weiner Spitzer Filner Gore Clinton Clark.

The media won’t make any of those connections.

More: Hm. Look at Item 4 in this list of things you need to know about Clark’s pal, Shauna Mei.


4. Mei Was Raised in China and Feels Chinese

Mei was born in Mongolia and raised in China before moving to the United States after the Tienanmen Square massacre. Her hometown is Beijing according to her Facebook profile. In an interview with a Chinese interviewer last year, Shauna Mei has stated: “I came to America when I was 8 and spent my first grade in China. I still remember a great Chinese role model called Lei Feng.” Lei Fend was a soldier of the People’s Liberation Army who was characterized as a “selfless and modest person who was devoted to the Communist Party” he also become a subject of a nationwide posthumous propaganda campaign.


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