New Photo Caption Contest: Are You Ready For Some Hillary-Wear?

Hillary shirt from site


As the writer of a continuing saga called Hillary Watch 2016, naturally I was amused to read about the opening of the Ready for Hillary online store.

If you are not an avid reader of every Hillary Watch 2016 installment, than you may not be familiar with Ready for Hillary. If that is the case, then you must be asking, “Why all the hoopla surrounding an on-line store? ” (Even Drudge Report mentioned it.)


So to get you up to speed — Ready for Hillary is a political action committee (PAC) that is waiting for Hillary to announce that she is divorcing her husband officially announcing her candidacy for the 2016 Democrat Party nomination for President. (When she finally does make this announcement, MSNBC will offer 24 straight hours of special programming hosted by James Carville and Al Sharpton.)

After browsing through the merchandise in the Ready store, it became apparent the “virtual shelves” were ripe with Caption Contest potential.

Like this Ready-to-Go Barf Bag for $35.00.

Hillary bag

Or this “limited edition Ready” button for $5.00

hillary ready

And if you happen to be NOT READY for Hillary, contest writers can caption the shirt pictured below.  This priceless shirt parody, which originated on Twitter, is obviously not offered for sale at the Ready store and sure to be a classic.

Hillary weird

Our new contest offers Photo Caption Contest loyal followers ample opportunity to show-off their creative brilliance.  Just be sure to mention which image you are captioning, for example, the shirt, the bag, the button, or the “weirding out” shirt.


Here are the winners from our last contest where the aforementioned creative brilliance was on display.

There is only one official rule for this contest and that happens to be the same rule the Clintons live by, “Get mad and then get even.”

Have fun with your entries but please try to stay somewhat classy even though this Ready for  Hillary-wear image does somewhat resemble the Man in the Moon.

moon 2

Even the Moon is Ready for Hillary







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