Lousiana State Democratic Party Chair: If You Oppose ObamaCare, You're a Raaaacist!

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Louisiana state Sen. Karen Peterson provides us with a moment of racist zen. She’s also the state party chair, so she speaks for and represents the entire toxic Louisiana Democratic Party.


Peterson: I have talked to so many members both in the House and the Senate, and you know what? You ready? You ready? What it comes down to? It’s not about how many federal dollars we can receive, it’s not about that. You ready? It’s about race. I know nobody wants to talk about that. It’s about the race of this African-American president.

Yeah, nobody wants to talk about race, other than every single person on the left who ascribes race and racism to pretty much every subject under the sun.

Peterson is not apologizing. She’s going on the attack against a man that her own party launched racist attacks against a few years ago.

Carter Peterson said she’s not stepping down or apologizing for her statements.

“There will be no apology because an apology is not due to the people of Louisiana for what I said,” Carter Peterson told WWL-TV. “An apology maybe should come from Gov. (Bobby) Jindal as to why he’s not accepting the money that can help so many uninsured citizens (and) working families.”

Peterson has issued a statement to “clarify,” but in doing so, she has only exposed her own dishonesty.

“I think we should judge a policy by its content, not the person proposing it,” her statement said.

“To be clear, I didn’t call any person ‘racist.’ Rather, I was simply relaying the truth about conversations I’ve had with my colleagues and the factors they considered on the expansion of Medicaid.”


Name one of them. One.

“While others are using this as an opportunity to take my comments out of context in order to distract from the true issue, I think it’s critical that we focus on the substance of the policy because it’s the right thing to do for Louisiana.”

The substance of the policy is exactly what Peterson and most Democrats don’t want to talk about. Obama even ran his re-election campaign by running away from his own law. So they talk about race even though it’s irrelevant. Peterson’s comments were intended to distract from the manifest failures of ObamaCare, and put its critics, who are being proven right every day, on the defensive.



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