The Nation whines as Lech Walesa snubs Obama

Whose credentials as a freedom fighter are greater – Barack Obama or Poland’s Lech Walesa? Obvious, huh? Well not to The Nation’s fuddy-duddy publisher Katrina vanden Heuvel who has her… oops, we won’t say it… don’t want to get into Anthony Weiner territory here… something in a twist because the Solidarity hero snubbed our prez on Obama’s recent trip to Poland.


Of course, such attitudes by the publisher are to be expected. Radio Free Europe remembers the wealthy vanden Heuvel’s attitude toward Soviet dissidents in the past:

But to those familiar with vanden Heuvel’s — now long forgotten — history of attacking anti-Soviet dissidents during the 1980s, there was a more sinister dimension to this throwaway line: a tragic reminder of the hostility too often displayed by “The Nation,” the flagship journal of the American left, toward Eastern Bloc freedom fighters, particularly those active in diaspora communities.

As we used to say on the left, which side are you on?


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