MSM Hacks Are Too Isolated and Ignorant to Grasp How Many Americans Despise Them

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The Democrats' flying monkeys in the mainstream media have been rending their garments over the way Donald Trump talks about them since he first hit the campaign trail back in 2015. They believe that he is unfair and mean to them. 


He is really just honest though. 

Most Republican politicians at the national level are timid souls who spend their professional lives cowering in fear of the MSM Dem propagandists. These GOP weaklings know that the MSM hacks deeply despise them, but still hope that they may one day get a little bit of praise from The New York Times or one of the Big Three nightly network news broadcasts. 

To his everlasting credit, Trump has never harbored any delusions about there one day being a big Kumbaya moment between him and the Editorial Board of the New York Times. 

The poor dears are really getting panicky this close to an election that might return Trump to power. 

The New York Times:

Threatening the news media is nothing new for former President Donald J. Trump. He has accused major news outlets of defamation, blocked journalists from rallies and White House events, goaded followers into profane chants about CNN and popularized the term “fake news,” now embraced by autocrats around the world.

Even by those standards, though, his latest anti-media obsession — stripping television networks of their ability to broadcast the news because of coverage he doesn’t like — stands out.

“CBS should lose its license,” Mr. Trump wrote on his Truth Social platform last week. “60 Minutes should be immediately taken off the air.” He has repeated his demands in speeches and in interviews, echoing his earlier calls for ABC’s license to be “terminated” because of his displeasure with how the network handled his debate against Vice President Kamala Harris.


Trump is merely echoing the sentiments of most conservative Americans. We're all tired of the legacy power players in mainstream media perverting the First Amendment and hiding behind it in order to repeatedly commit journalistic malpractice. We know it's just fantasy that they'll be run out of business but, hey, a freedom-loving patriot can dream. 

Trump knows it too, but he has more reason to loathe the dung-wallowers in the MSM than any other American, so he vents. 

The Democratic National Committee has tasked the Times and the rest of the MSM with scaring the electorate into believing that Trump will turn into some sort of Hitler/Stalin/Mao three-headed monster if elected again, so they put stories like this out there every day. These kinds of partisan hit jobs are major contributors to decreasing trust Americans have in the media. My friend and RedState colleague Brandon Morse recently wrote that Americans' faith in the media is really bottoming out lately. 

The Times article goes on to say that Trump can only kinda/sorta/maybe but probably not do any of the things the authors said he might do at the top of the piece. I may be the only one other than the Times editor who OK'd it for publication who read the whole thing and found that out though. They know that most of their low-info base only reads the headlines, so they make sure that they get all the scary words in there and in the sub-headline. They play pretty loose with facts and reality over at the Times. 


Related: NYT Smear Merchants Upset That Trump Thinks the Dems Trying to Jail Him Are Evil

People who work for the Times, The Washington Post, or the Big Three Networks are blissfully unaware of how little they are respected. Because they are firmly entrenched in the Coastal Media Bubble™, they are only exposed to people who swoon over them. If any of them spent a few days in a red state speaking to people who don't agree with them they'd be in therapy for a year to deal with the trauma. 

Donald Trump definitely traumatizes them. Here's hoping he'll be mean-tweeting them from the White House next January. 

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