NYT Smear Merchants Upset That Trump Thinks the Dems Trying to Jail Him Are Evil

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Another day, another "Ooh, we're super scared that Donald Trump is going to do the things that we're doing to him" garment-rending from the Democrats and their flying monkeys in the mainstream media. 


It's both pathetic and amusing that they still behave as if everyone is buying this nonsense. It's also clear evidence that the media lapdogs know they're writing just to keep the low-info, incurious, Dem base agitated and easier than ever to manipulate. 

If hyperbole and torturing context were illegal, most of the Dem MSM hacks would be in prison. 

Here's a sampling from the dangerously unstable New York Times:

In a Fox News interview on Sunday, Mr. Trump framed Democrats as a pernicious “enemy from within” that would cause chaos on Election Day that he speculated the National Guard might need to handle.

A day later, he closed his remarks to a crowd at what was billed as a town hall in Pennsylvania with a stark message about his political opponents.

“They are so bad and frankly, they’re evil,” Mr. Trump said. “They’re evil. What they’ve done, they’ve weaponized, they’ve weaponized our elections. They’ve done things that nobody thought was even possible.”

Based on the behavior of the Democrats and their supporters — especially in the last four years — everything Trump said there is plausible or true. In fact, almost every conservative I know believes that the Democrats will become violent if Trump wins. It's not really a "maybe" or "might" kind of thing — they're gonna riot. The Democrats' flying monkeys in the mainstream media are fond of referring to riots that they approve of as "peaceful protests," so expect that phrase to get a workout soon after Trump is declared the winner. 


Fast forward a few paragraphs from the above quote, when the authors of this screed make this leap: 

But never before has a presidential nominee — let alone a former president — openly suggested turning the military on American citizens simply because they oppose his candidacy. As he escalates his threats of political retribution, Mr. Trump is offering voters the choice of a very different, and far less democratic, form of American government.

Cool story, but he never "openly suggested" that. What Trump said was that the National Guard might be needed to quell civil unrest on Election Day. As we've established, there's a high likelihood that will happen. Perhaps the two Times writers responsible for this idiocy aren't aware that the Democrats will still be in control of the presidency on Nov. 5 and that the National Guard will not be doing Trump's bidding. 

There's also the fact that dealing with rioters is something that the National Guard does. 

Trump wouldn't be calling the Democrats evil if they weren't doing evil things, like letting criminals run free and sending the FBI after pro-lifers who sing hymns outside abortion clinics. 

Or interfering with an election by perverting justice in an attempt to throw a candidate in jail and keep him off the ballot. 

Just saying. 


The insane assertion that Trump said he would sic the military on people who didn't like him is actually an evil abuse of First Amendment rights by people who call themselves journalists. These are truly awful human beings, and the mainstream media proves every day that it is the enemy of the people. 

And that's putting things rather mildly. This is a family site, after all. 

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