
Hoping for a Majority, Prepping for the Resistance, Praying They Don't Bring Back Prohibition

(Image by lisa runnels from Pixabay.)

It isn't at all unusual for people who have never been that political to spend a lot of time pondering how things might end up after the 2024 United States presidential election. For those of us who are neck-deep in political news every day, the immediate post-election future dominates our conversations. 

In every eventuality that I consider, I hope that I will end up near a legal neighborhood watering hole.


I still stand by what I have frequently proclaimed all year: I haven't the slightest idea how things will play out in this election. In fact, I think anyone who says they do should be under the full-time supervision of a mental health professional. I'm so gun-shy about predictions that I hesitate to make weekend plans on the Wednesday before. 

Who knows what kind of apocalyptic nonsense our whimsical universe might throw at us on a Thursday? 

Knowing full well that the Left wants us to despair, I refuse to give up the hope that I will be in a good mood on Inauguration Day next January. It's not like this is Dole vs. Clinton in 1996, after all. Donald Trump is in a pretty good position to win right now. If he does, I think he'll have more coattail energy than most people do. 

All of the above will make for a less aggravating 2025 in the Kruiser Bunker. 

A lesson that everyone is taught but many are slow to learn is that it is always prudent to prepare for the worst. All of us here should be in agreement that Kamala Harris is the worst. 

In any situation. 

If Madame Veep becomes Madame POTUS, that's a nightmare from which the likes of me won't be able to awaken. There will be a lot of work to be done, though. If the Democrats manage to keep the White House and the Senate and take the House back, they won't waste time trying to shut down all opposition. 

When my friend Stephen Green and I talk about fleeing for Costa Rica if Kamala Harris wins, it's not all joking. There are no definite plans, but inquiries have been made

Why shouldn't the resistance be a vacation too? 

So if it seems like I'm all over the place when writing about this stuff, it's because I am. You have my sincere promise that, if it all goes to hell, I'll be rested and ready to come out swinging as soon as it does.

I hope that neighborhood watering hole has decent wi-fi. 

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