
'Unwoke' With Kevin and Kruiser #109: We WISH We Could Cheap Fake KJP Style

Townhall Media

White House Press Secretary and best argument against DEI Karine Jean-Pierre has taken to insisting that her boss's slurring blank-stare zombie shtick isn't real, but rather the product of "cheap fake" videos that are craftily edited and produced in the secret Republican "Make Joe Biden Look Bad" lair. 

Sure, Toots.


Kevin and I are both professional creatives, and we really couldn't make up something as awful as the way President LOLEightyonemillon is in reality. 

Honestly, we would all much rather be living in a world where the President of the United States was a willing and regular participant in reality. When Biden stares off into the distance, you know he's thinking about his Cheerios baggie and Lego set back in the Oval Office/Presidential Nursery. 

This episode begins with our latest "Man Meat" discussion, so there is something for almost everyone who still likes to have a good time. 


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