
Pondering the Euphemistic Evolution of 'Illegal Immigrants'

Townhall Media/Julio Rosas

One of my least favorite aspects of the never ending "debate" about the U.S.-Mexican border is the complete lack of veracity on the part of the open borders crowd about the very real dangers that they invite in. A key element in their long-running lie about the kinds of people crossing the border is the complete avoidance of any language that adequately describes the interlopers. There are no illegal people after all, right? 


Oh, but there are. 

The correct terminology for a person from another country who enters the United States illegally is, of course, "illegal alien," and that has always been the case. "Illegal immigrant" will be accepted by the judges as well. 

Open borders Democrats and their media mouthpieces long ago decided that any connotation of illegality had to be removed from conversations about immigration. It's all part of their rich history of pretending that the world's worst people aren't bad at all. We've seen them do the same with Islamic terrorists, for example. 

The first big reality avoidance shift in naming illegal aliens was "undocumented aliens," which stuck for quite a long time. It's also the only leftist euphemism for illegals that was still mostly correct. "Undocumented" was intended to make it seem as if the poor dears were merely victims of circumstances. 

If only we had gotten them their documents...

The word undocumented was too risky for the Land of Make-Believe people though. Some low-info voters might eventually figure out that the lack of documentation was due to the fact that aliens rushed across the border illegally. It simply had to go. 

The Democrats gave new marching instructions to the MSM, and the invaders were suddenly only referred to as "immigrants." Any hint of "illegal" had now been banished to the bottomless leftist memory hole. 

Immigrant has now given way to migrant. My tinfoil hat examination of this evolution has given me a theory as to why. An immigrant is someone who moves to another country permanently, per most major dictionary definitions of the word. That's still potentially problematic should anyone in the hinterlands remember that said immigrants came to the U.S. under less-than-legal circumstances. 

A migrant is just someone who moves from place to place, looking for work here and there. Nothing permanent to see or worry about with those plucky migrants! Maybe they'll be selling cocaine in Newfoundland next year at this time! Going forward, anyone who disparages migrants is simply a bigot who wants to keep poor people poor and is probably Hitler reincarnated. 

There is a big push in the mainstream media now to get Americans to believe that mass "migration" is just the thing to fix labor shortages in various parts of the country. This isn't the old "doing the jobs that Americans won't" spiel. The gist of the spin is that there never will be enough people to fill the jobs unless we accept the sweet, plucky migrants who are milling about the place. Oh, and we need to let a lot more in. 

At this rate, the MSM hacks are likely to soon start referring to illegal immigrants as "the only real Americans," or some other such nonsense. Because Americans all over the political spectrum are sick to death of Biden's border fiasco, the Democrats are no doubt workshopping some election year euphemisms. I wouldn't even hazard a wild guess at what they might be, because I can't think like an America-hating, criminals-first weirdo. 

I can, however, continue to use the phrase "illegal aliens." 

Which is what they are. 

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