Trump Derangement Syndrome Meltdown of the Week — Maureen Dowd Mega Vapors Edition

AP Photo/Mark Lennihan, File

This is the sixth installment in this series, and I can't believe I haven't written about Maureen Dowd yet. On an Opinion writer staff that ranks second to none when it comes to hysterical leftist hyperbole, nobody peddles it better than Mo. If this column continues until the election, Ms. Dowd is sure to make a few more appearances. 


She makes her Meltdown of the Week debut with a column titled, "Is Trump Hell?" which sits atop a picture of an angry Joe Biden. Even though this column was published last weekend, I knew it was going to be the winner. 

The aforementioned Biden pic was the editorial choice because it was from his rant last week at Valley Forge. As I wrote in a recent VIP column, the Democrats' flying monkeys in the mainstream media have once again been tasked with pretending that he makes sense now that the election year is here. 

Just wait until you see what our gal Mo Dowd does with President LOLEightyonemillion's scripted Adderall moment. 

The New York Times

Biden flew to Pennsylvania on Friday to visit Valley Forge and make a pugnacious speech invoking an earlier moment when we were fighting against despotism and clinging to a dream of a democracy.

In a discontented winter during the American Revolution, George Washington tried to inspire his downtrodden troops at Valley Forge by having Thomas Paine’s “The American Crisis” read to them.

“These are the times that try men’s souls,” Paine wrote, adding, “Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered.”

As the voting to determine the next president gets underway, it is clear that the tyrannical Trump won’t be easily conquered. And that is our hell.

“You can’t love your country only when you win,” Biden said in his speech, making a forceful case that America, which dumped the mad King George, should not embrace the mad King Donald.


I guess one good way to script doctor a Biden speech is to quote Thomas Paine before you get to anything else. 

Kudos to Dowd for reaching all the way back to the American Revolution for this week's "ZOMG TRUMPPPPPPPPP!" panic button. Most of her fellow MSM hacks have been going with a Civil War theme for the hysteria. A Civil War/WWII tandem theme, that is. 

Ever the leftist good girl, Dowd got right to the Nazi/Hitler stuff in the next paragraph. Give her some treats, DNC. 

And just when you think that this woman couldn't be a bigger cry for help:

Rejecting Trump’s campaign of grievance, vengeance, malignance and connivance, the president said, “We never bow. We never bend. We speak of possibilities — not carnage. We’re not weighed down by grievances. We don’t foster fear. We don’t walk around as victims.”

I often write that Coastal Media Bubble denizens are as ignorant as they are because they never meet any Republicans or conservatives. That Ms. Dowd quoted this without adding "LOL" indicates that she may never have met any Democrats either. This is the Mother of All Projections from the people who are forever striving to bring projection to new levels of crazy.

Democrats — especially in the 21st century — wouldn't be able to breathe without grievances, fostering fear, or victimhood. In fact, Dowd shamelessly uses this quote when her raison d'être is to foster fear. Because Biden cannot run on his horrendous record, the Democrats are doing nothing but waging a campaign of fear. Don't be surprised if your kids wake up screaming in the middle of the night because a Dem operative broke into your house and yelled "BOO!" at them while wearing a Trump mask. (Those of you with babies needn't worry. Democrats are terrified of babies, that's why they work so hard to kill them in the womb.) 


Dowd concludes her latest trip to the fainting couch with a tortured defense of media bias for the Democrats. After insisting that "Journalists should not fear looking as if they’re 'in the tank' for Biden," Dowd writes that "Biden has to press his own case and not rely on the media." 

OK, Toots, which is it? 

Obviously, Biden is nothing without the Dem advocacy media pretending that the emperor is wearing clothes. Shiny, brilliant new clothes that make him the bestest guy in the world. Hyperbole Mo proves that she's on board with this in her conclusion: 

The president must continue to be aggressive in convincing people he’s the best alternative; that, at 81, he’s not too old for the job; that he has solutions to stop the chaos on the border and relentless death in Gaza.

You do your job, Mr. President, and we’ll do ours.

Yes, she actually wrote, "solutions to stop the chaos on the border." The chaos that Biden created. 

You're already doing your job, Maureen. Make sure that DNC HQ has your correct bank info for direct deposit. 

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