Old School Election Deniers: The Hill Publishes Breathless Op-Ed Whining About Bush vs Gore

AP Photo/Ed Reinke, File

Democrats and their flying monkeys in the mainstream media have spent the last three years rending their garments and shrieking about Republicans being "OMG ELECTION DENIERS!" In the Democrat Low-Info Dictionary, "denier" means anyone who expresses skepticism about their pet issues or tactics. 


When Mike Johnson (R-La.) was elected Speaker of the House, there was an immediate collective diaper-filling on the Left about him being a 2020 election denier. That was the #1 talking point that the Democratic National Committee told its media cheerleaders to use, and they wore it out. 

Democrats' narratives often fall apart when their own rules of engagement are used on them. On no issue is that a more, shall we say, undeniable, fact than that of election deniers. Again, I'll be using their definition for this column.

Prior to losing their minds over the 2020 election deniers, the Democrats spent the first two decades of this century denying the results of two of its five presidential elections. It all began after we survived the Y2K panic, with the Bush vs. Gore election. Almost a quarter century later, that election remains the loudest bee in their denial bonnet.

On Wednesday, The Hill flexed its bias with an Opinion piece written by a Democratic strategist titled, "Bush v. Gore Destroyed Us." 

These people must wake up every day hyperventilating and covered in flop sweat. 

The mere fact that this idiot is allowed to publish hysterical drivel like that in one of the most widely read Beltway publications is ample proof that his entire premise is false. However, the constant need to remain at a fever pitch prevents Democrats from being able to solve even the simplest connect the dots puzzle. 

Here's the point that the writer thinks he's proving with this inane whirlwind of hyperbole: 


More important to our country now is understanding how Bush v. Gore ushered in an era that has culminated in the Republican Party’s abandonment of democracy in favor of Trump-styled strongman authoritarianism.

I could throw 600 words at that line alone. In fact, I considered making this the subject for tomorrow's "Trump Derangement Syndrome Meltdown of the Week" column, but I've already got another doozy teed up for that. 

After spending three years watching the American Left lust for government control over their lives so much that it approached the level of sexual fetish, it's tough to make the point that we're the ones who want "strongman authoritarianism." We discuss Democrats and projection so often, that I may just write a boilerplate blurb about it for future use. 

Kudos to the author for reaching across the decades just to get to "democracy" and "authoritarianism," which currently top the DNC media marching orders. He'll definitely be getting some treats from the bosses for that. 

The Op-Ed then rambles to its unhinged conclusion by complaining about faith in the Supreme Court, which, as we know, is another 2023 perma-rant for the Dems. Seeing a guy who makes his money spinning for the Democrats lament the Republicans' destruction of faith in American institutions is the most projection-filled load of manure in this article. 

Until you get to the conclusion, that is: 

After two decades striving to build a permanent Republican majority in American politics, the architects of Bush v. Gore are now perilously close to succeeding. All the worse for democracy.


Show me on the doll where the permanent majority might happen.

There have now been six presidential elections in the 20th century, and the two major parties are tied at three apiece. Even for a Democrat, it takes an extraordinary amount of dishonesty to get from that data set to positing that either party is close to having a permanent majority. 

Here in reality, the GOP's dismal performance in last year's midterm elections and subsequent turmoil in the House this year would indicate that any alleged desire for electoral permanence is the stuff of fantasy. 

Also more realistic is the fact that recent expansions in vote-by-mail and early voting are far more likely to benefit the Democrats. 

I'm sticking to that until a Republican candidate is four points behind on election night and ends up winning by a comfortable margin after all of the "late" ballots are counted. 

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