The Democrats have long fancied themselves to be the party of science. They also fancy themselves the party of youth and diversity but are currently championing an 80-year-old white guy for a second term as president of the United States.
What Democrats are known for, to those of us who don’t lap up their propaganda, is a chronic lack of self-awareness, about both themselves as people and their ideology. Pretty much everything that they believe to be true about Republicans and Democrats bears no resemblance to reality. They repeat the lies about themselves until those lies not only become true for them, but also become part of the Democratic origin story.
One of the most enduring myths that Democrats believe — especially here in the 21st century — is that they’re all elite intellectuals, while all Republicans and conservatives are knuckle-dragging rubes. Even when Republicans like Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton, or Ron DeSantis present the kind of higher education bona fides that usually send them into a mindless orgiastic frenzy around one another, they find reasons to be dismissive. Mustn’t allow for the possibility of intellectuals from outside the unquestioning hive mind, after all.
Of all the lies that the Democrats tell themselves, the “party of science” nonsense ranks second only to “the government always knows best.”
We’ll get to how wrong they were about all things COVID in a moment. Even before that, Democrats had essentially abandoned biology which, I just checked, is still a science. According to them, human embryos aren’t really human, there are 42,000,000 genders, and now men can get pregnant. That’s not merely denying science, that’s rejecting it altogether.
Then there’s the COVID mess. The leftist elites lied about who was truly at risk and then what the vaccine could and could not do. They also rejected the lack of science behind almost all of the preventative measures. The hive mind faithful lapped it all up, naturally.
They’ve been proven wrong about everything they spent three years censoring us science-denying nutjobs for but, bless their incurious little hearts, they keep pretending that none of it has happened.
Now Paul Krugman, the dumbest person ever to win the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, is trotting out the science-denial fairytale to whine about those of us who aren’t freaking out because it’s hot this summer.
Understanding climate denial used to seem easy: It was all about greed. Delve into the background of a researcher challenging the scientific consensus, a think tank trying to block climate action or a politician pronouncing climate change a hoax and you would almost always find major financial backing from the fossil fuel industry.
Those were simpler, more innocent times, and I miss them.
True, greed is still a major factor in anti-environmentalism. But climate denial has also become a front in the culture wars, with right-wingers rejecting the science in part because they dislike science in general and opposing action against emissions out of visceral opposition to anything liberals support.
Because Krugman is a Coastal Bubble simpleton who writes for Coastal Bubble simpletons, he uses phrases like “climate denial,” which is idiotic. No one denies that climate exists. Those of us who he calls deniers not only freely admit that it does exist, but we also know that it changes and that there isn’t much we can do about it.
Related: Climate Crazies Have Discovered That Summertime Is Hot
What right-wingers are viscerally opposed to is the Democrats using climate change hysteria to justify the repeated abuse of American taxpayers.
It’s laughable that Krugman cites greed when attempting to explain opposition to climate change hysteria, when that’s precisely what drives the Democrats’ lust for government-mandated green initiatives.
Legacy politician and utter mediocrity Al Gore became worth hundreds of millions of dollars after leaving politics and spouting inanities like “The Earth has a fever.” The green wealthy class has done very well under the Obama and Biden administrations, which force taxpayer dollars into their pockets via onerous regulations and legislation in the pursuit of a b.s. “net carbon zero” Utopia.
It’s all about the greenbacks with the greenies.
Speaking of denial, leftists have been wrong about virtually every dire prediction they’ve made about climate doom for well over half a century now. They never admit it, of course — they keep denying it.
Sorry, Paulie K and the rest of you green lunatics. If anyone is guilty of wholesale, ignorant science denial, it’s all of you. The sun is going to do what it wants to do and all of the New York Times “Ain’t They Dummies?” Op-Eds in the world aren’t going to change that.
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