The Morning Briefing: Will Hillary Clinton Ever Take the Fall for Being Pure Evil?

AP Photo/Mary Altaffer

Top O’ the Briefing

Happy Friday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. The world is a better place when people of good cheer drink the occasional spritzer.


The weirdness of the times we’re living in keeps finding ways to get even weirder, and that’s sometimes a good thing.

The investigation into the Russia collusion hoax hit job on Donald Trump is heating up and things don’t look good for the perpetrators.

Victoria wrote a few interesting posts on the topic yesterday, one of which was about Hillary Clinton’s skeevy lawyer Michael Sussman:

The FBI’s former general counsel just blew up the defense of Michael Sussmann, the former Hillary Clinton and DNC lawyer during the 2016 election. It will be interesting to see if the jury notices.

Sussmann’s on trial for lying to former FBI General Counsel James Baker by saying he was bringing dirt on Donald Trump because he was doing his civic duty and not benefiting his client, Hillary Clinton.

Documents produced by Special Counsel John Durham show that Sussmann billed Hillary Clinton’s campaign for work on the Russian Collusion Alfa-Bank disinformation. That includes the “salacious and unverified” — and fake — Steele dossier.

In the immortal words of Astro Jetson (and later Scooby Doo): Ruh roh.

This is a tale of corruption that has the trademark Clinton stink all over it. Victoria outlines Sussman’s role in it very succinctly in this column.

It’s not a stretch to believe that everyone involved in the 2016 Granny Maojackets campaign was a complete sleazebag. It’s just sad that it’s taken this long to out some of the primary players. Victoria also wrote about Hillary’s former campaign manager’s pending trip to the hot seat:


Hillary Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook is expected to testify Friday in the trial of the 2016 presidential candidate’s attorney, Michael Sussmann, who collected, helped author, and disseminated the fake Donald Trump-Russia Collusion story, which led to investigations, spying on candidate Trump, and the attempted destruction of President Trump’s tenure in office.

Mook presided over Hillary’s 2016 campaign and harbored “a deep sense of responsibility” for her loss to Donald Trump. He chose not to send Clinton to Midwestern states in the Democratic primary because of her negative comparison with Bernie Sanders and her basic unlikeability. In the general election, with Trump flying all over the country and holding massive rallies, Mook again kept Hillary out of Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania for the same reasons. Trump won all of them and won the White House.

But Mook had another powerful secret weapon to propel the unlikeable Hillary to office: a huge disinformation campaign linking Donald Trump and Russia and creating the lie that Trump was a Russian secret agent for Putin. If they couldn’t make Hillary any more appealing, they’d make Donald Trump a traitor to America. Worth a shot, right?

Thus far, none of the corruption can be directly pinned on Mrs. Clinton. As I’ve written many times, the Clintons are very talented criminals. They’re buffeted by onion-like layers of fall guys and nothing gets to them.

The latest doings in the Durham probe are getting so close to Hillary that she’s probably hitting an extra box of Franzia for breakfast every day.


Every person involved in the Russia collusion hoax should have to spend a long time in a low-grade prison. We may never see Mrs. Clinton perp-walking her way to a state-issued jumpsuit wardrobe but we’re getting to the point where it’s not out of the realm of possibility.

I’ve been critical of Durham’s plodding pace during this probe but he does seem to be finally rounding up people and putting them in positions from which they can’t escape.

Let’s hope that Mrs. C. is at the top of his list.

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