Joe Scarborough in Post-Mueller Panic About Trump's Re-Election

(AP Photo/Steven Senne)

Now that the final nail has been put in the coffin of American liberals’ “Mueller Saves Us From Bad Orange Man” dream, Joe Scarborough’s Trump Derangement Syndrome flop sweat is getting stronger by the minute.


The MSNBC host was full of self-loathing angst even before Robert Mueller delivered his ten-ton truckload of bumbling disappointment to Capitol Hill yesterday:

Yeah, Republicans weren’t very happy about that either, Joe.

On Thursday morning — after Mueller’s dismal failure to come through really set in — Scarborough and the Missus used their platform to tell Democrats how to proceed:

The delusion in Scarborough’s statement is pathetically amusing. It presumes that the Democrats haven’t been doing “whatever it takes to win.”

The United States has endured over two years of riots, protests, and a special counsel inquiry all aimed at getting a duly elected president thrown out of office because millions of insane people believe that Hillary Clinton was owed the presidency.

Add to that relentless daily “news” speculation based on anonymous sources aimed solely at disrupting this presidency and we’re left with very little that hasn’t been tried thus far.


The Trump-haters truly believed that there would have been some sort of silver bullet that would have magically ended his tenure in the White House by now. The fake Russia collusion collective fantasy they shared was the last little bit of hope they could cling to and that got flushed down the toilet yesterday.

The fervent, ongoing attempts by members of the media to point to “Gotcha!” moments from Mueller’s testimony are proof that they know it’s over.

What’s worrisome about Scarborough’s statement is the thought that there may be new lows the Democrats could sink to as the 2020 election nears. The media will no doubt keep urging them to seek victory at all costs.

The harder they try, the better things seem to work out for the president.

Sadly, they are probably hard at work on some sort of lunacy that we’ve yet to imagine.


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