Bipartisan House Vote Kills Rep. Al Green's Articles of Impeachment

(AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

Rep. Al Green (D-Texas) had his quixotic attempt to force the House to vote on impeaching President Trump come to a rather quick end on Wednesday. In an overwhelming, bipartisan fashion, no less.


Roll Call:

House Democratic leaders avoided a direct vote on Texas Rep. Al Green’s articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump with Republicans’ help, as Minority Leader Kevin McCarthymoved Wednesday to table the Texas Democrat’s resolution.

The motion was agreed to 332-95, with Democratic Rep. Peter DeFazio voting “present.”

Rep. Green was, of course, just grandstanding. In his defense, however, Democratic House leadership gave him an opening with their own grandstanding when they voted to condemn President Trump’s weekend tweets about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her “Squad.”

AOC and her gang have been a nonstop shrill chorus screaming for impeachment, but Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and the other adults among House Democrats have wanted nothing to do with it.

The Roll Call article reaffirms Pelosi’s eagerness to be rid of the impeachment talk:


Democratic leaders are clearly ready to move on to legislative matters, as evidenced by a comment Pelosi made Thursday when speaking about the impeachment and condemnation resolutions.

“We’re getting rid of all this right now,” the California Democrat said.

More Democrats voted for tabling the resolution than voted against it, which, Roll Call noted, “provides leadership some ammunition as they continue to fight back against” those in their caucus calling for impeachment.

Recent media coverage of Pelosi’s various struggles with AOC have made it seem as if she had lost control over her majority. It would appear that the rumors of the demise of her iron fist were premature.


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