CNN's Zakaria: President Trump is 'Right' About Asylum System Crisis

(Image: @FareedZakaria Screenshot)

On the Tuesday installment of his CNN show “Fareed Zakaria GPS” the host wandered into territory not visited much by the network’s personalities: he said that President Trump is right about something. Specifically, he is right about our asylum system is in crisis.


Because it is CNN, Zakaria had to begin by calling the president “bigoted,” but then said “it pains me to admit” that Trump is right on the asylum mess.

Zakaria also cautioned the Democrats to be careful about assuming that the current border situation will be negative for Trump but rather that it “could actually work to the president’s advantage.”

It’s a good, quick video breakdown of the asylum woes and may end up being the only honest four minutes of reporting that CNN will air for the rest of the year:



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