Trump's Rumored Endorsement of Paul Ryan Would Put Ann Coulter in REALLY Awkward Position

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Unity is BACK.

Donald Trump is expected to endorse House Speaker Paul Ryan R-Wis., Friday, two highly placed Republican sources tell Fox News — just days after the Republican presidential nominee declined to back Ryan when asked in an interview.

Ryan will face primary challenger Paul Nehlen in next Tuesday’s primary election for his congressional seat. Trump is expected to endorse the 2012 Republican vice presidential nominee at an event in Green Bay.

While Ryan picked up the endorsement of Trump’s running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, Trump declined to endorse Ryan when asked in an interview Tuesday with The Washington Post.

“I like Paul. I like Paul. But these are horrible times for our country. We need very strong leadership. We need very, very strong leadership. And I’m just not quite there. I’m not quite there yet,” Trump said.


It is impossible to know whether Trump decided to tone down the foot-stomping petulance because someone passed along this week’s poll numbers or because he has merely found a new tantrum, but every little bit helps at this point. If only for a while, and on just one topic, this gets Trump and Reince on the same page:

Should this play out as expected, Trump’s Number One Fan isn’t going to be happy.

Conservative columnist Ann Coulter will campaign with Paul Nehlen, House Speaker Paul Ryan’s primary challenger, a statement from the Wisconsin businessman’s campaign announced on Thursday evening.

Coulter is scheduled to appear with Nehlen at two campaign events on Saturday.

Ryan is expected to easily win his primary race, but a large faction of the conservative media world has given his challenger favorable coverage and heavily covered the race.

“You can’t even make this stuff up,” Ryan said of some of the attacks he’s faced in the press during a Thursday radio interview.

Sean Hannity, a Fox News host and one of the most influential conservative pundits in the country, warned on Thursday that he also may endorse Nehlen’s campaign, explaining that he was tired of “spineless” Republican leadership.


Oops, looks like Number Two Fan will be sad too.

Set the bickering aside for a night, Republicans… go ahead and feel the love:


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