I was wondering about this before I saw this article.
As President Barack Obama’s gun-control package heads to the U.S. Congress, one of the big questions hanging over Capitol Hill is how Reid – a fellow Democrat and the Senate majority leader – will manage the most ambitious proposal for gun restrictions since the 1960s.
In the political drama likely to play out over guns, Reid is hardly the gun-control advocate from central casting. Like many Republicans and several fellow Democrats from conservative states, Reid, 73, has often opposed limits on gun owners.
He was endorsed for re-election by the pro-gun National Rifle Association in 2004, though not in 2010. He has voted to protect gun makers from lawsuits (2005) and supported allowing firearms in checked baggage on Amtrak trains (2009).
Of course, President Obama signaled to supporters that this was super-duper important by trotting out a bunch of underage human shields to make his announcement, implying that anyone who opposes him doesn’t care whether children live or die. That might be too much pressure for Reid.
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