Results for: VP TO TRUMP

In Search of the Invisible Biden Voter
– As for the shoe-tying thing, I’d wager good money that, if you asked Joe to tie his shoes he would try to shove a peanut butter and … ’t like Donald Trump. … Are they going to vote for Trump? No. Might they just stay home and not vote for Biden? Highly possible.…
The Morning Briefing: Fewer Lies and More Honesty Would Be Helpful in the COVID-19 Conversation…honesty-would-be-helpful-in-the-covid-19-discussion-n662315
– Fauci Is Full of Crap and Can’t Be Trusted ACLU and Oregon Sue to STOP Trump From Arresting Antifa/BLM Rioters in Portland. … Be Kanye’s VP No, Trump Isn’t Crazy. … Dem Rep Tells Trump to ‘Say Nothing’ About John Lewis ‘Death, So Here’s What Trump Said.…
The Morning Briefing: Idiot MSM Hacks Confuse Joe Biden for a Practicing Catholic…sm-hacks-confuse-joe-biden-for-a-practicing-catholic-n762190
– I’m going to do everything I can to make year two even more fun. PJM Linktank TRUMP WINS. … Unresponsive to Portland’s $2000/Hour Fine for Fence Erected to Protect Courthouse Twitter Staffer Who Announced Trump Censorship … Trump Proves Biden Wrong About Black Diversity of Thought Race-Baiting Biden Ad Compares Trump to ‘Violent Racists’ Who Attacked…
CNN Tries to Shame Daily Caller for Asking About Biden's Catholicism, But It Backfires
– Dornic appears to consider it “really gross” to question the sincerity of Biden’s professed Catholic faith, even though there are good … reasons to do so. … Who Wanted to Force Catholic Hospitals to Perform Abortions Says He’s the Candidate of Religious Freedom…
Biden Says the Latino Community Is Incredibly Diverse, 'Unlike the African-American Community'…edibly-diverse-unlike-the-african-american-community-n759447
– I don’t know if spending eight long years as the VP to the first black POTUS makes him think he has a hood pass or something, but he … Just like he did to Paul Ryan in the 2012 VP debate. That’s why I don’t want Biden to wriggle out of debating Trump. … And this guy is supposed to be an alternative to Trump?…
The Morning Briefing: Mainstream Media Hacks Are the Root of Most American Woes…tream-media-hacks-are-the-root-of-most-american-woes-n758477
– They may be able to keep him from debating President Trump, but they are going to have to keep doing the video appearances, which will … Facebook Deletes Trump’s Back-to-School Video WATCH: Trump Tweets Powerful, Must-See Video on Obamagate Believable. … Sources Close to Biden Say He’s Narrowed His VP List to Two Treacher: Cancel Culture Comes for That Dancing Kid from the Sia Music…
Joe Biden Is Absolutely the Vehicle for the Communist Takeover of the Democrat Party…cle-for-the-communist-takeover-of-the-democrat-party-n755349
Trump will stand up to the anarcho-communists in antifa and other groups. … And Biden’s campaign is so desperate to win it has caved to the mob in the Unity Platform. … Trump Ad Ties Biden to Fidel Castro as Dem Considers Former Castro Sympathizer for VP John Podesta War-Games the 2020 Election, and…
Ground Game: Is Joe Biden's Campaign Committing Political Suicide?
– The Trump campaign appears to have taken the exact opposite approach. … Trump Victory has required staffers to read “the book” on ground game, specifically Groundbreakers: How Obama’s 2.2 Million Volunteers … Watch Out Biden: Black Voters Are Moving Toward Donald Trump Trump Ad Ties Biden to Fidel Castro as Dem Considers Former Castro Sympathizer…
5 Reasons Never-Trumpers Are Abandoning Conservatism
– In order to justify their anti-Trump positions, they’ve convinced themselves that Joe Biden is a moderate who, if elected, will govern … The VP Factor Never-Trump Republicans may have convinced themselves that Joe Biden is a moderate (he’s not, but I’ll get to that) … for is going to shift this country farther to the left.…
Navy SEALs Suspend Support for Museum After Controversial Video
– Not to the SEALs. Navy Times: “Each and every one of us serves to protect our fellow Americans – ALL Americans. … “We may not have contributed to the misperception in this case, but we suffer from it and will not allow it to continue,” he said. … But they would fight to the death for his right to make it.…
The Morning Briefing: Which Biden VP Option Would Be Less of a Train Wreck?…which-biden-vp-option-would-be-less-of-a-train-wreck-n751512
– Yes, it does look awful that Biden has to yoke himself to someone who was subordinate to him in the Obama administration to get some … De Blasio Facing a Crisis of His Own Making in Policing and Public Health Here’s How Trump Needs to Explain the United States’ Coronavirus … Biden VP Hopeful Karen Bass: ‘I Am Not a Communist’ Shot Through the Heart: Jon Bon Jovi Compares the Music Monopolies to Big Tech…
The Morning Briefing: The Summer of Love Sure Has a Lot of Violence and Murder…summer-of-love-sure-has-a-lot-of-violence-and-murder-n748117
Trump Defends Coronavirus Response to Acosta: ‘Hold It, Fake News CNN, Hold It!’ … Trump Wants Boston Marathon Bomber to Get Death Penalty. Dems Want Him to Vote. … Biden Moves Back VP Announcement Again Well, it’s not up to her. …
Trump Ad Ties Biden to Fidel Castro as Dem Considers Former Castro Sympathizer for VP
– On Monday, the campaign to reelect President Donald Trump launched an ad tying presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden to Cuban dictator … Joe Biden Promises to ‘Transform This Nation’ in Accepting Bernie’s Endorsement In a press release explaining the ad, the Trump campaign … Castro for his VP.…
The Morning Briefing: Never Trumpers Leg-Hump Every Leftist Narrative Just to Make Friends…eg-hump-every-leftist-narrative-just-to-make-friends-n727566
– Never Trump began in 2016 when a bunch of pasty and doughy Republican soy boys realized they weren’t ever going to get anyone to clap … Their original intention was to derail any hope of Donald Trump getting elected. … What bothers me is the pretense of being more principled than I am that these Never-Trump hustlers are trying to sell.…
The Morning Briefing: The Democrats Plan on Stealing the Election
– trying to “steal” the election. … In fact, the violence we’re seeing now has more to do with hating Trump than it does with the death of George Floyd. … with the plague’s help they’re going to need some kind of fraud-fest to win this election.…
FLASHBACK: The Media Loves 'Birther' Conspiracy Theories About Republican Candidates…ther-conspiracy-theories-about-republican-candidates-n799315
– On top of that, the media quickly latched on to the false narrative that Trump had “promoted” the birther conspiracy, despite the fact … qualifications.” 5 Things to Know About Biden’s VP Pick, Kamala Harris Williams was clearly arguing that the definition of “natural … The moment Eastman’s op-ed on Kamala Harris came out, the narrative was set, and naturally, the next step was to put Trump in the middle…
The Morning Briefing: Liberals Use Death of President Trump's Brother to Reaffirm They're Classless Garbage…ps-brother-to-reaffirm-that-theyre-classless-garbage-n798097
– Long before Donald Trump became president, liberals had an awful tendency to politicize virtually everything. … One has to be a very small person to immediately use the death of another human to try and score political points. … Love It Trump campaign to host nightly recap of Democratic Convention to highlight 'radical socialism' of the left…
HUGE: Joe Biden Alienated Black Voters by Choosing Kamala Harris
– According to a groundbreaking poll from Rasmussen Reports, Biden’s VP pick has given black voters second thoughts about supporting … pick, while a third said they were “more likely” to do so, and another third either said the VP pick will have no impact or their votes … According to a Harry Enten analysis of 10 polls, President Donald Trump is picking up steam among the black community, taking support…
The Media Is Absolutely Wacko for Claiming Kamala Harris Is a 'Moderate’…utely-wacko-for-claiming-kamala-harris-is-a-moderate-n787348
– gain from appealing to.” … close to a centrist. … Yes, let’s move on. 5 Things to Know About Biden’s VP Pick, Kamala Harris She supports the Green New Deal During the same town hall…
The Morning Briefing: Will Kamala Kill the Progressive Vote in 2020?…iefing-will-kamala-kill-the-progressive-vote-in-2020-n781981
– If the Biden-Harris 2020 ticket is going to appeal to progressives, Kamala Harris is going to have to vigorously and publicly disavow … Kamala Harris on the Ticket Is an In-Kind Donation to Trump-Pence 2020 My New Favorite Twitter Account The life of a Jose Altuve wikipedia … Way’ Eyeroll: Want to Guess Which Insufferable Democratic Senator Said That Trump Can’t Handle Strong Women?…
Here Are 5 Crucial Reasons Why Kamala Harris Can't Be Trusted With Your Civil Rights…kamala-harris-cant-be-trusted-with-your-civil-rights-n780618
– As a sitting senator, Harris was the first one out of the gate to sidle up to Jussie Smollett and come to his defense for his fake … in the opposite direction. 5 Things to Know About Biden’s VP Pick, Kamala Harris 1. … California, a step likely to lead to private and public retaliation against individuals and groups revealed to have donated to unpopular…
Sarah Palin Could Take The Heat; Why Don't Democratic Party Operatives Think Kamala Harris Can?…democratic-party-operatives-think-kamala-harris-can-n779602
– Last week, a number of female Democratic operatives sent a memo to media organizations warning them to be careful in how they cover … Did they really need a memo to be told this? … But threatening media organizations in order to prevent criticism is completely antithetical to the notion of free press.…
The Morning Briefing: MSM Plays a Preemptive Misogyny Victim-Card for Kamala Harris…a-preemptive-misogyny-victim-card-for-kamala-harris-n776624
– Fortunately for them, Biden had already committed to a female VP pick, and in the last several weeks it became apparent that the choice … They’ll “interpret” his word salads for us, continue to lie about Trump, and scream “MISOGYNY!” … Station They Previously Tried to Burn Down The Washington Post’s Antifa Riot Chic Fasc-ion Photo Spread Is a Real Stunner Trump
Kamala Harris on the Ticket Is an In-Kind Donation to Trump-Pence 2020…he-ticket-is-an-in-kind-donation-to-trump-pence-2020-n777265
– What Harris Brings to the Ticket Baggage, for starters. Enough baggage to fill a fleet of 747s. … The deep blue states that were already going to vote for der Bidengaffer are still going to vote for him. … It’s no secret that Joe Biden didn’t help himself when he publicly committed to having his VP pick be all about identity politics and…
BREAKING: Joe Biden Picks His Running Mate, and It's a Real Head-Scratcher
– She claimed to have smoked marijuana in college while listening to Snoop Dogg and Tupac Shakur. The only problem? … She’s divisive and unappealing, and by choosing her, Biden has handed a great deal of ammunition to President Donald Trump. … Follow him on Twitter at @Tyler2ONeil. 5 Things to Know About Biden’s VP Pick, Kamala Harris 6 Reasons to Oppose Nanny State Tyrant…
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