Results for: VP TO TRUMP

Five Times the Media Falsely Accused Trump of Sharing ‘Doctored’ Images/Photos…lsely-accused-trump-of-sharing-doctored-images-photos-n70097
– In other words, the media has accused Trump of tweeting out faked photos and videos in order to lie to the American people about something … Former VP Joe Biden responded to a doctored video posted by President Trump mocking Biden's physical interactions in light of allegations … It’s not meant to deceive. It’s meant to be enjoyed. Trump thought it was funny, so he tweeted it. And I agree with him.…
Why Is YouTube Protecting the Southern Poverty Law Center?
– Not Even Mar-a-Lago Is Safe: Trump Org Bows to Far-Left Demand to Cancel Conservative Event In the video, the Reason commentator … Zinsmeister cited former SPLC spokesman Mark Potok, who said, “I want to say plainly that our aim in life is to destroy these groups … PragerU Truck to Blast Banned Videos on Screens In Front of YouTube…
New Biden Ad Actually Shows Why Uncle Joe Shouldn't Be Commander in Chief…ly-shows-why-uncle-joe-shouldnt-be-commander-in-chief-n70685
– In the ad, Biden touts his ability to “stand with our allies,” and “know them by their first names.” … This may have been a dig at President Donald Trump, who once referred to the German chancellor as simply “Merkel.” … If a candidate needs to be able to know allies like Angela Merkel by their first names in order to be commander in chief, then Biden…
The Morning Briefing: Ana Navarro's Mouth—Food In, Racism Out
– a ‘Chosen One’ I really hope he has a diaper on for tantrums like this: Bill Kristol: Trump Is a Bigger Threat to Free Markets Than … Warren VodkaPundit: RBG, Steve Jobs, Cancer, and the Public’s Right to Know BREAKING: As of November 25, 2019, Donald Trump Is … the Others LOL: Chris Cuomo Believes His Show Is About ‘Respecting the Law,’ Not Hating Trump Trump Signs Law Making Cruelty To
Conan the Terrorist-Killing Dog Visits the White House
– What you’re about to see is going to cause such excruciating cognitive dissonance that I almost feel guilty for laughing at you. … NEW: President Trump honors Conan, the hero dog injured in the raid that led to the death of ISIS leader al-Baghdadi: “Conan did a … In any dispute between a Trump dog and a terrorist, you have to root for the terrorist or else you love Trump.…
Latest Biden Endorsement Draws More Attention to Hunter Biden Corruption…ement-draws-more-attention-to-hunter-biden-corruption-n43276
– On Thursday, former Secretary of State John Kerry endorsed him in an effort to bolster the former VP. … Hunter Biden has attracted attention in recent months as Democrats seek to impeach President Donald Trump for asking his Ukrainian … The former VP has 161 endorsement points, weighted to the prominence of the person endorsing him.…
Biden Goes HAM on Iowa Voter: 'You're a Damn Liar, Man'
– And today I’ve been given one more reason to hope for a Trump/Biden matchup in 2020. … To be clear: Any assertion VP Biden said a word about the gentleman’s appearance is making this something it is not. … In the latter part of the exchange, the VP began to say “Look, facts” then said “here’s the deal.”…
Trump: 'If You are Going to Impeach Me, Do It Now, Fast'…mpeach-me-do-it-now-fast-invest-in-popcorn-now-people-n70927
– I think we all knew the Democrats were going to force impeachment through just so they could say “Donald Trump has been impeached” … Donald Trump loves a fight and this one is going to be the battle of the century. … Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 5, 2019 Can you imagine how much fun it will be to see Hunter Biden being interrogated about…
PAY UP, DEADBEATS! Beta Males and 'Mean Girls' at NATO Will Not Deter America's Bully President…girls-at-nato-will-not-deter-americas-bully-president-n70896
Trump calls Trudeau ‘two-faced’ see evidence below. — Donald Trump Jr. … Trump gets him to admit he’s paying a measly 1.3%. Why is that? Canada isn’t a third-world country we should have to carry. … embarrassment to the family with keys to Jeffery Epstein’s sex lair?…
Sleepy Joe Biden Signals to Aides: Don't Worry About Me Being Old and Confused, I'll Only Serve One Term!…dont-worry-about-me-being-old-ill-only-serve-one-term-n43298
– If he’s elected, he’s “signaling” to them, he’ll be happy to hand over the keys to the White House to his VP once his first (and only … of leaders, but if I have to wait four years [in order to] to get rid of Trump, I’m willing to do it.” … According to Politico, though, there’s little debate among Biden’s advisers about the question of whether he’s willing to run again…
No, Ken Ham, Newt Gingrich's Dinosaur Article Does Not Make Him Hitler ... or a School Shooter…article-does-not-make-him-hitler-or-a-school-shooter-n101820
– Gingrich may also have been one of the major factors convincing self-described evangelical Christians to back Donald Trump so heavily … He continually defended Trump as early as August 2015, and formally endorsed him in time to be considered a potential running-mate. … be compared to Communism and Nazism could be used to suggest that scientists rethink evolution.…
Boston City Council Considers Giving Non-Citizens the Right to Vote
– watering down” what it means to be an American have hit the phones to object to a proposal before the City Council today to allow noncitizens … have the privilege to vote,” Flaherty said. … . … We cannot continue to hold rallies, or pass resolutions against President Trump — we need to do more.”…
The Morning Briefing: The Space Force, PJ Media's Impact, and Much, Much More…g-the-space-force-pj-medias-impact-and-much-much-more-n60101
– The VP cited threats from China and Russia. … name needs to win.” … So I would encourage the Garcia campaign to think long and hard, and to respond well to these issues.…
Only Nixon Could Go to China, and Only Trump Could Go to Space
Trump officially directed the Defense Department to establish this sixth branch of the U.S. military in space in June, saying the space … Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 9, 2018 If you want to reach escape velocity, you can’t just go some of the way. … Look, if you hate Trump so much that you want to mope around here on Earth while everybody else is getting into their spaceships and…
John McCain, War Hero, Dies at 81, after Succumbing to Brain Cancer
– He tussled with Donald Trump, and ultimately voted against the Republican effort to repeal Obamacare. … Despite their disagreements in the past, President Donald Trump expressed his “deepest sympathies and respect” to McCain’s family. … Trump tweeted. My deepest sympathies and respect go out to the family of Senator John McCain.…
Pence Condemns Dem. Obstruction of Kavanaugh Confirmation: 'Not Advise and Consent, That's Obstruct and Oppose'…augh-not-advise-and-consent-thats-obstruct-and-oppose-n60436
– @VP Mike Pence notes that “5 Senate democrats announced their opposition before President Trump nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh. … @VP Mike Pence praises Gorsuch, Kavanaugh: "President Trump and I couldn’t be more proud of Justice Neil Gorsuch. … He noted that Trump has nominated more than 130 “extraordinary men and women to our federal courts, and they’re conservatives all.”…
Under Progressive Mayor Kenney, Philadelphia Has a Stabbing Problem
– “Trump’s most loyal defender — VP Mike Pence — just arrived in Philadelphia again, to spew more hate and xenophobia. … beg for money in order to get well. … Both deserve to be defeated in 2019.…
The Morning Briefing: #MeToo Claims Another CEO, Obama Speeches, and Much, Much More…claims-another-ceo-obama-speeches-and-much-much-more-n60749
– Indeed, RealClearInvestigations’ Lee Smith has come around to the theory that the Trump Tower meeting between Trump campaign officials … Haley took to The Washington Post: I, too, am a senior Trump administration official. … Haley insisted that loyalty to Donald Trump is not the point, but trying to undermine him is still wrong.…
Here's a Collection of Ben Rhodes' Tweets That Got Everything Wrong on Iran…f-ben-rhodes-tweets-that-got-everything-wrong-on-iran-n57675
– What Trump has talked about on NK – a vague, unverified commitment to denuclearization – is nowhere near as restrictive as the Iran … poised to toss aside an Iran nuclear deal that is far better than anything he could possibly hope to achieve with North Korea … The story is so manufactured out of thin air that it's hard to push back except to say that it's a figment of the imagination of two…
The Morning Briefing: AZ Special Election, Jackson Smeared and Much, Much More
– Fired FBI Director James Comey has lawyered up amid allegations that he leaked classified memos to his buddy to distribute to the New … leaked the information to the New York Times. … The name of the game these days is to choke up anything the president wants to do, including set up a cabinet.…
The Morning Briefing: Hostages Returned to America and Much, Much More
– President Trump, First Lady Melania and VP Mike Pence greeted three hostages very early Thursday morning as they returned from their … “We would like to express our deep appreciation to the United States government, President Trump, Secretary Pompeo, and the people … CNN: Cohen “aggressively” pitched companies after the election on buying his access to Trump Feds probing how Stormy lawyer got Cohen…
The Morning Briefing: Mueller's 'Leak,' Iran Busted and Much, Much More
– of four dozen questions Special Counsel Mueller wants to ask President Trump. … Dems Plan to Impeach Trump if They Win Midterms Father of Parkland victim sues school resource officer in wrongful death lawsuit … suspect’s arrest Trump: US considering DMZ for Kim meeting Facebook investigating claim employee used job to stalk women online…
Corey Lewandowski Mocks Down Syndrome Migrant Separated from Mother: 'Womp, Womp'…down-syndrome-migrant-separated-from-mother-womp-womp-n58811
– Hard to say, but this latest episode is pretty bad, even by the former Trump campaign manager’s standards. … Is @VP fine with his comment on TV tonight? Is @VP happy to keep paying him handsomely? … Go ahead and try to parse it to fit your narrative if you want.…
The Morning Briefing: Peter Strzok Has Left the Building and Much, Much More…peter-strzok-has-left-the-building-and-much-much-more-n58813
– Among other things, Horowitz found that Strzok and Page may have had a willingness to take official action to prevent Trump from winning … Manafort in ‘solitary confinement’ to avoid attack by someone intent on ‘street cred,’ Trump ex-lawyer says DOJ Inspector General … NPR in response to Tucker Carlson attacks on media Trump administration giving nonprofit nearly $460M to house migrant kids George…
The Morning Briefing: Trump Wants a Steel Barrier and Much, Much More
– Christian Bale, who starred in the movie “Vice” about former VP Dick Cheney, thanked Satan for inspiring him to play VP Cheney. … Related: Robert De Niro just called Trump a ‘racist’ and ‘white supremacist,’ and drew comparisons to Hitler and Mussolini Trump … News President David Rhodes is headed for the exit after year of troubles High school wrestler forced to cut dreads returns to action…
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