Results for: On Media

Joe Biden: Confuzzled Warmonger
– That's on top of another recklessly stupid decision last week that will certainly lead to more dead and wounded on both sides — and … Help PJ Media keep getting the truth out by becoming one of our VIP or VIP Gold supporters. … You need independent news and analysis, and we need to keep the lights on.…
Liberal Media Goes Insane After Trump’s Supreme Court Victory
–  Naturally, the unanimous ruling sent shockwaves through the liberal media. … Edwards ironically classified the ruling as election interference on MSNBC." … sites: PJ Media, Townhall, RedState, Twitchy, Bearing Arms, and HotAir.…
Father of J6 Prisoner Demands Accountability for Weaponized Federal Agencies…ands-accountability-for-weaponized-federal-agencies-n4927027
– Lang previously told PJ Media that he found and picked up a bat in self-defense in the face of police brutality. … Dangerous criminals are re-released onto the street daily by soft-on-crime leftist DAs. … media and politicians across America and even around the world.…
Everything But the Skirt — WaPo and NY Times in Helpful Cheerleader Mode for Biden's SOTU…y-times-in-helpful-cheerleader-mode-for-bidens-sotu-n4926985
– There is a popular game on social media lately that asks people to explain that they are something without mentioning the something … Biden did during his visit to a Texas border town on Thursday — but insufficient. … It's free and it supports conservative media!  Subscribe…
57,000 Reasons - and Counting Every Day - Why You Need an AR-15
– Before I lost my guns in a tragic boating accident back home on one of Michigan's Great Lakes, I never feared one of them would walk … And what better way to do that than to whip up their Pravda dupes in the mainstream media and get them to induce a manic panic in their … We have learned there are more than 57,000 illegal immigrants from China on U.S. soil and 150 more enter every day.…
Mark Cuban Reveals Just How Badly He Has Drunk the Biden Kool-Aid
– businessman thoroughly embarrassed himself when he decided to virtue-signal his support for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) policies on … social media. … There's a reason why Trump is leading in the polls, and voters trust him more on the issues that matter most in this election.…
Gosh, I Wonder Who Has The New York Times Worried About Nuclear War Again…the-new-york-times-worried-about-nuclear-war-again-n4926987
– Everything old is new again, which is why some of the denizens of the Coastal Media Bubble™ are finding themselves oh so worried about … nbsp;       via GIPHYWhile most people were caught up in news about the Supreme Court and Trump on … It's free and it supports conservative media!  Subscribe…
The Morning Briefing: A Glorious Twofer — Unanimous SCOTUS Decision and Unanimous Dem Meltdown…nanimous-scotus-decision-and-unanimous-dem-meltdown-n4926986
– And even more as expected, none of the justices offered any opinion on Trump, his actions on January 6, or his status as an alleged …  The meltdown on the Left over the decision was delicious. … It's free and it supports conservative media!…
Supreme Court Rules on Trump’s Ballot Eligibility
– The Supreme Court voted unanimously to allow Donald Trump to remain on the Colorado state ballot on Monday, reversing the lower court … , we’ll continue to expose these attacks on our democracy, and you can bet they will get worse as we get closer to the 2024 election … sites: PJ Media, Townhall, RedState, Twitchy, Bearing Arms, and HotAir.…
This Is the Moment Donald Trump Won the 2024 Election
– Both outcomes will have had nothing to do with the vote tallies on Tuesday when a third of the nominating delegates were up for grabs … his illegal alien phone app so he can allow them on flights into the country to hide them from the American people. …  lay blame for the influx on Texas Republican Gov.…
Is Tomi Lahren Right About the Impeachment Inquiry?
– and being in Hunter's conversations via speakerphone.And yet you hardly hear anything about it, and if you do from the mainstream media … But optically, it does make it seem as though they are beating up someone with addiction issues, and that's exactly what the media … who he really is, even if the media tries to tell them otherwise.So yes, Tomi Lahren is right in that Republicans should focus on
NY Offers Huge Bribe to Get Illegals to Leave But There's Just One Problem...…o-get-illegals-to-leave-but-theres-just-one-problem-n4927011
– “It’s not about having families that have their work authorization or have done their paperwork on the way, it’s really about how many … Help PJ Media keep getting the truth out by becoming one of our VIP or VIP Gold supporters. … You need independent news and analysis and we need to keep the lights on.…
Somebody Set Us Up the $175 Trillion Debt Bomb
– Even if we imposed FICA taxes on China and India, we still couldn't close the gap between what Washington promised to deliver on Social … Help PJ Media keep getting the truth out by becoming one of our VIP or VIP Gold supporters. … You need independent news and analysis and we need to keep the lights on.…
Former Border Patrol Chief Reveals Biden, Harris 'Never' Talked to Him About Border Crisis…iden-harris-never-talked-to-him-about-border-crisis-n4926995
– Raul Ortiz, a retired Border Patrol chief, admitted during a segment featured on "60 Minutes" that neither President Joe Biden nor … They want to get them hooked on welfare so they can entice them to vote for them, or at the very least, craft narratives that paint … Biden reportedly visited the southern border at Brownsville, Texas on Thursday, the same day former President Donald Trump traveled…
There's Only One Terrifying Reason for a Woke Indoctrinated Military and This Is It…on-for-a-woke-indoctrinated-military-and-this-is-it-n4927014
– "America was founded on racism" and "parents need to stay out of their kids' education and shouldn't have a say in what they learn, … Help PJ Media keep getting the truth out by becoming one of our VIP or VIP Gold supporters. … You need independent news and analysis and we need to keep the lights on.…
J.K. Rowling Nukes Argument for Biological Men in Women’s Bathrooms…kes-argument-for-biological-men-in-womens-bathrooms-n4927019
– Rowling called out just how such policies exponentially increase the opportunity for male sexual predators to prey on girls and women.Rowling …  The popular fantasy author has stood strong, refusing to bow to the woke mob on transgender insanity. … And on Twitter/X on March 3, Rowling argued that “allowing males into female-only spaces on the basis of their claim to be a women…
Exclusive: Lawyer Celebrates SCOTUS Ballot Ruling as a 'Win' for 'Federalism'…brates-scotus-ballot-ruling-as-a-win-for-federalism-n4927006
– Donald Trump to remain on the Colorado state ballot. … Jamie Raskin’s (D-MD) announcement the Democrats are working on federal legislation to kick Trump off ballots. … The Republican Party ranks are very thin on members this persistent.”…
Once Again, Biden Teased a Gaza Ceasefire That Didn't Happen Before a Primary Election…asefire-before-a-primary-election-that-didnt-happen-n4927021
–  Biden knew this when he predicted a ceasefire last week between Israel and Hamas before the end of the weekend on the "Seth Meyers … It's rank dishonesty and the media refuses to call Biden out for his shameful action.Related: After Hamas Atrocities, U.S. … And so long as there is resistance on the Israeli side to a deal that preserves Hamas in Gaza, reaching any kind of ceasefire is going…
Rachel Maddow: Shut Up About Censorship While We Censor You
– kingpin and top cable news lesbian, had Barbara McQuade, University of Michigan Law professor by day and MSNBC legal analyst by night, on … These voices have been amplified on media platforms like MSNBC which has championed efforts to censor people and groups on social media … Despite my strong disagreements with her views on free speech, I am sure that it will be an important contribution to this debate.…
Ex-Pastor Has a Sorry Excuse for Defacing Neighbor's Package With a Swastika…cuse-for-defacing-neighbors-package-with-a-swastika-n4927008
– A story I thought was worth investigating turned out to have its origins back on December 5, 2023. …  For some reason, on Sunday, KCAL in Los Angeles decided to report on the December 5 incident in West Hollywood, in which Mark … It was bad judgment on my part.…
The Greatest Trick Evil Has Ever Done Is Convince the World That It Is a Victim…r-done-is-to-convince-the-world-that-it-is-a-victim-n4926970
–  Now, we have had five months of the world media bombarding us about the "victims of Gaza," the need for more aid to those "poor … from Jews, that we should just stop the war before Ramadan out of respect for their holiday, despite the facts that they attacked on … No matter how the media tries to portray them otherwise, they are pure evil.…
A Victory for Democracy
– Anderson, many predicted that SCOTUS would overturn the Colorado Supreme Court’s ruling that declared Trump ineligible to appear on … social media right now. … Particularly in this circumstance, writings on the Court should turn the national temperature down, not up,” Barrett wrote.…
D.C. Democrats Give Nikki Haley Her First Republican Primary Win…victory-lap-after-winning-98-democrat-washington-dc-n4926977
–  One MSNBC wag summed up Haley's boffo win on Sunday. "It doesn't matter," opined Tara Setmayer. …  The win on Sunday, just ahead of this week's Super Tuesday, put Haley at a total of 45 delegates. … legacy media will likely ignore.…
WaPo Writer Makes It Official: Shoplifting Is Just Reparations
–  "America is a sticky-fingered nation built on stolen land," Judkis scolded her readers on Friday to their self-loathing delight … The soft drinks are gone, "but three gallon-sized jugs of Arizona green tea are still on the shelves on one recent visit." … You need independent news and analysis, and we need to keep the lights on.…
The Morning Briefing: Garland's Goons Arrest a Journalist, but Trump's the Threat to Democracy…est-a-journalist-but-trumps-the-threat-to-democracy-n4926976
– It's free and it supports conservative media! …  Biden Announces Food Aid Drop on Gaza As Famine Concerns GrowAnother Embarrassing Mainstream Media 'Christian Nationalism' MomentBiden … Jerome Adams BRAGS About Masking on a Plane and Twitter Ain't Havin' NONE of ItVIPBecome part of the PJ Media VIP party by subscribing…
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