A Moment of Silence for the REAL Victims of the Hamas Assassination

AP Photo/Bilal Hussein

Moments after a certain residence in beautiful, balmy, downtown Tehran was fire-blasted — transforming ex-Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh into a zillion pieces of free-floating biological confetti — the reaction from the global media cabal has been anything but monolithic. 


In the center-right West, there was a certain sense of (semi-) muted celebration: The New York Post argued, “Taking out Ismail Haniyeh was morally necessary,” and the Wall Street Journal declared, “Israel Brings Deterrence Back to the War on Terror.” The general stance: Iran deliberately stoked the fires of Israeli blowback and deserved to be caught in the crossfire. Karma’s a [female dog].

Sayonara, Haniyeh.

But that wasn’t the majority opinion, of course.

The AP headline screamed, “Hamas’ top political leader is killed in Iran in strike that risks triggering all-our regional war.” The Guardian ominously warned, “Israel has all but declared war in the Middle East – a conflict it cannot hope to win.” Reuters went with President Biden blaming Israel for having the audacity to defend itself: “Biden says killing Hamas leader Haniyeh not helpful for ceasefire talks.” The New York Times (quite naturally) did a deep dive in anti-Israel waters: “Netanyahu, Defiant, Appears to Have Gone Rogue, Risking a Regional War.”

The overall positioning: Israel is a bloodthirsty country that wantonly murders innocent civilians and brave resistance leaders, and if we don’t aggressively reign them in, these troublesome Jews will plunge the world into another large-scale war.

(Have you noticed that the same “journalists” who constantly accuse conservatives of antisemitism are usually the same people who want to hold Israel to a moral standard that’s remarkably different from every other country? Gee, I wonder what it is about Israel that’s so different from everywhere else…?) 


Maybe it’s just the anti-yarmulke lobby. (They’re more powerful, perhaps, than we thought.)

Either way, despite the onslaught of 24/7 coverage, there’s one angle that the mainstream media — on both the right and the left — has missed:

The other victims of the Hamas assassination.

Mossad (as usual) has remained tight-lipped, but it’s been widely reported how the assassination unfolded: In an operation that took place over many, many months, the Israelis managed to plant a powerful explosive device inside a high-security Iranian government residence. It’s not totally clear when it happened; in all probability, it was 50+ days ago. 

And then, Israel waited.

And waited.

Until the Iranians — now emboldened after four years of Biden-Harris’s incompetence — were arrogant enough to invite the antisemitic, mass-murdering leader of Hamas, hoping to publicly parade him around in a weird Roman-inspired-but-Persian-perfected tribute. Blinded by hubris, the Iranian mullahs and Ismail Haniyeh thought they were untouchable.

They thought wrong.

By his own words, Haniyeh claimed that he prayed daily for Israel’s destruction.

Seems his prayers went unanswered.

But what about that one group that nobody’s discussed yet – the people who will undoubtedly suffer the full, indignant wrath of the now-humiliated Iranian government?


I’m speaking, of course, of the Iranian cleaning ladies.

Whoever’s job it was to dust, mop, and clean that house…? Hoo boy. Overlooking a hidden IED in the corner is tricky to explain. (Gotta cost her at least two or three stars in her Amazon review.) 

I get annoyed with my cleaning people if there’s still dust on the mirrors. So, if it turns out there was a big bomb in the corner and they never even cleaned it? Not even once?! After many months?!

That’s just sloppy work.  

Right about now, a small group of Iranian grandmas are probably being “invited” back to the mullah’s residence. Only this time, they weren’t asked to bring their mops.


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