The Only Way For Hillary to Save Her Legacy...

…in the light of the disgusting recent conduct of her campaign, is to withdraw now and endorse Barack Obama.The one thing I used to admire the Clintons for was what I thought was their genuine emotional commitment to civil rights. The one unblemished aspect of their much-blemished legacy. But look at the collection of hacks, thugs and half-wits they have unleashed or enabled when they got desparate. Look at their pathetic denigration of Martin Luther King. (just a dreamer, right? Read Taylor Branch’s brilliant three volume King biography, while you’re sitting out the campaign Hillary. You need a history lesson).


But is not just sad for them, it’s sad for America. In their win-at-any-cost campaign they may well have succeeded in destroying not only Obama’s candidacy (at the very least his chance to win if nominated) but their own place in history. I wish I could blame it all on Bill, but that’s been their m.o. No tears can save her from this shame.


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