Trump Frenzy -- Media Madness at the Sheraton as Caucus Looms

As luck would have it — good or bad I’m not sure — Donald Trump is holding his “Victory-loss-who-knows-what?” caucus party here at the West Des Moines Sheraton where I am staying with PJTV crew.   The hotel is now crawling with more Secret Service and police than any place this side of Guantanamo and more media than I have seen anywhere since the OJ trial.  In fact, it even dwarfs that.  My crew and I have press passes, but we wonder if we will even get in.


Below is the line to get your passes certified.  It runs outside the hotel down the block as if the Beatles were reincarnated.


My crew and I have this to decide — go to an actual caucus to report on it or wait to snatch a glimpse of The Donald with the madding throng?  Or try for both? And what happens if we’re all snowed in together? There’s a blizzard warning out for the Middle West.


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