"Cross-dressing" Revolution in Iran

Well, we all knew Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was psycho-sexually disturbed when he uttered his risible comments about there being no homosexuals in Iran when speaking at Columbia University a couple of years back. And he is not alone in the mullocracy, which, like much of Islam, alas, is a homophobic and, even more, a misogynistic conspiracy. So, not surprisingly, male members of the brave Green Revolution of Iran (not to be confused with their more dubious green confreres at the Copenhagen climate conference) have adopted the hijab as a sign of their courageous rebellion.


From Pyvand Iran News: State media published images of [student leader] Majid Tavakoli claiming that he was trying to escape the campus “dressed as a woman.” Amir Kabir student association claims these reports merely reveal the “dictatorship’s fury” against Majid Tavakoli for his criticism of “oppression.”

To say the least. And according the NYT’s The Lede blog, the Iranian students have responded in kind on the Internet (especially Facebook). We are all Majid Tavakoli, so to speak.


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