POLLIWOOD: "An Education" - Will British Sex Garner the Oscar?

Poliwood-AnEducationcYears ago there used to be a farce on London’s West End that ran literally for decades – “No Sex, Please. We’re British!” (I think that’s the title – it’s been a while.) Anyway, those days are long gone, as we know, and the latest Oscar-worthy import from Blighty is “An Education,” a fascinating film that is the subject of the latest POLIWOOD. Although Lionel and I both liked the film, we disagreed about what the movie was trying to say. Have a look at our discussion, then see the film. It’s worth the money and time, in this rare instance. Anyway, it’s London, 1961, just before Carnaby Street, the Beatles and Swinging England are about to emerge, when a shifty thirty-two year old man picks up a cute, bound-for-Oxford sixteen-year old….



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